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The Easter offering at St. Andrews' churoh last Sunday inorning amounted to 1138.75. The special Easter collection takeu np at the Frst M. E. churoh last Sunday amounted to over f60. The annual meeting of the Ladlies' Library association will be held at the librry building next 'bMonday at 2 :30 p. m. Bishop H. M. Turner, of Atlanta, Ga., lectured in the A. M. E. church, Wednesday evening to a good audience on "África and the Africana." The fourth annual promenade of the Ann Arbor high school will be held in the high sohool hall on Friday, May 1. The attendance is limited to 50. John P. Kirk, of Ypsilanti, has been appointed a member of the soldiers' relief commission for Washtenaw county, vioe I P. Bogardus resigned . Alexander Kerr, of 65 S. Fourth ave., bas received a father's pension on account of a son who was shot at Port Royal. The pension was seoured through W. K. Childs' agency. Mrs. John Armbrnster, of 60 E. Washington street, colored 1Q% dozen eggs for distribution for Easter morning. Most of them were given to the chlidren of the Germán M. E. Sunday school. Mrs. O. Mattingly, well known to raany in this city as Miss Lena Michael, formerly one of the proprietors of the Utopia millinery store, died at her home in Los Angeles, Cal., on Staurday last, of consumption. Chas. E. Hiscock and Chas. H. Kline are the delegates from the local lodge of Elks, who will attend the meeting of the Grand lodge B. P. O. E. at Cininnati,Ohio, in August next. The newly organized ladie ' debating society of the high school held its first meeting this aftarnoon. "Woman's Rights" was tbe subject of the general debate. The program comprised other interesting numbers. The Ann Arbor Drgan Co. has received word from its London, Eng., representativos that they wili display the Ann Arbor Organ as one of the special features of tbe musical exposition to be held in June. The Newspaper Maker in its issue of April 2 contains an excellent portrait of Willis J. Abbott, sou-in-law of Christian Mack, who is chiof editor ou the New York Journal. Mr. Abbott graduated from the U. of M. in 1884. The time of holding the meetings of the Loyal Temperance Legión has been changed and the meetings will hereafter be held at 3 o'clook Saturday afternoons.instead of at 2 o'clook as heretofore in the hall over Calkins' drug store. M. J. Cavanaugh and Michael Seery, the comiuissioners of the Joseph Beaoh estáte, held thcir final meeting Weclnesday. Tbere has been a long contest over the distribución of this estáte, but it is now finaly amicably settled. At a recent meeting' of the Washtenaw County Medical society Dr. John Kapp, Dr. William F. Breakey, Dr. Victor C. Vaughan and Dr. Jeanne C. Solis were chosen delegates to the annnal meeting of the American Medioal assooiation . The Michigan Alummis for March, contains a picture of William E. Quinby, ü. S. minister to the Hagoe and proprietor of the Detroit Free Press, also a sketch of his career as a newspaper man, The sketch was written by Elmer J. Ottoway, formerly of the Argus. The appointments of the high school pupils who will take part in the gradnating exercises next June are as follows: Winifred Bogle.Sarah Campbell, Vera Chamberlain, Jas. A. Campbell, Lnln V. Lusby, T. 7. Marshall, Sybil Pettee, Grace Swindler, Irving N . Voorhies, Charlotte H. Walker. The oontract with Miss Lilian Blauvelt, soprano, who was to have sung at the May Festival, has been cancelled muoh to the regret of the management of that important event. Three world famed soloists have however, been seoured : Klafsky, soprano, Berthold, tenor and Max Heinrioh, baritone. Tbe entertainment under the anspices of the L. O. T. M. given in Maccabee hall last evening by Miss McMonagle was well attended. The "Scarf Drill" by nine young ladies and "Gossip Pantomime" by the little girls was as much enjoyed as it was on its first production at high school hall three' weeks ago. Ann Arbor business men who have advertisements in the Castalian, the annual publicaiton of the senior independent lits, will doubtless be pleased to learn that the greater part, if not all, of the good money they pay for their adS'is to be paidto Chicago printers, who will this year print the book. Eev. J. J, Lewis' lecture on the celebrated Passion Play of Oberammergau at University hall last Satnrday evening was worthy of a better reoeption than the small crowd that was present. The stereoptioon views were fine, and the accompanying descriptive lecture very interestïng. A large congregation was present at the Unitarian church last Sanday evening at the Easter vesper service. The beautiful musio of Mendelssohn, Haydn, Millard and Roberts was finely rendered by Miss Lillie M. Volland, soprano, Mr, Miller. violinist and the choir under the direction of Miss Marión Smith, organist. Mrs. Josie Pfeifle's residenoe, three miles south of the city between Lodi and Scio, bnrned to the ground Satnrday, the nre probably catubing from a defentive flue. Through the good work of the neigbbors most of the contentE of the house were saved. The building was well insured in the Germán Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Rev. M. Davis, of conductng revival services in the Wall street ihapel. 3. F. Sohnh has the contract to do he plnmbing of the Sudwortb. block. Price 700. The St. Thoma's choir and orohestra lave had a group pioture taken at Gibon & Clark's. Will H. Hendrick has been granted m original pension through W. K. 3hilds' agency. The Y. M. C. A. of the state normal school flled articles of incorporation ïvith the county olerk yesterday. The Politioal Equality Clnb holds its aext meeting at the home of Mrs. E . B. Hall, corner Hill and Lincoln streets, Monday at 3 o'clock. All interested are invited. The regular monthly business meeting of the Womans' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A., will be held Monday April 13, at 3 o'clock in the rooms of the association. Edward M. McCulloch, of this city, has been granted letters patent on a bridle bit and Andrew R. Schmidt and J. Lowrey have secured a patent on a thill coupling. Daniel J. Ross resigned from the board of public works at the meeting held Weduesday evening. Yesterday Mayor Walker appointed Eugene Osterlin to fill the vacancy. Charles Dwyer has sold out his grooery business on N. Main street to W. L. Banting, of Ann Arbor town, who took possession of the business last Monday. This evening at8 o'clock the sustaining members of the Young Mens' Christian Association wili be banqueted in the association rooms by the Wotuan's Auxilary. A program of eight toasts will be responded to, several of them by members of the state exeoutive committee which met here today. H. G. VanTuyl, of Detroit, will act as toastmaster. The fifth concert in the Choral Union series of the present year drew a large crowd to University hall Tuesday night, many persons being obliged to stand throughout the whole program. The choice program was rendered with marvelous expression and intelligonce. Contrary to his custom Mr. Thomas responded to one encoré, playing a second time G-oldmark's Scherzo. So far as the money part of the Suekey deficienoy and the civil snit oí the board of supervisors againet the bondsmen is concerned, a settlement has been arrived at. Yesterday the 35 bondsmen pnt np $100 each arfd the committee of the board accepted the same and withdrew the suit against tbem. It is expected that in view of this settlement the criminal suit against Mr. Suekey will now be dropped. The Ann Arbor Argus says that "students f rom Ann Arbor find no difficulty in flnding places to put iheir anus in Ypsi." The Argus is "on" bnt will not give the boys away. We shall, however: Early in the evening they come to "elbow rest" on the bar rail ; later they give au imitation of the "united we stand, dividedwe fall" act; latest, an officer and a cart bear them off, arms and jag. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Where was Tully while all this was goiug on? In the upper right hand corner of this page will be found the announcement of the opening of the new hardware flrm of Parker, Golburn &Scbneider, who have for the past few weeks been busily engaged in getting their fine new stock of stoves an d builders' and shelf hardware, tinware, cutlery, etc, in order. The flrm is ccmposed of three bright, hustling yonns: men and it is not uecessary for the Argus to say that they will meet with the success that they deserve. The 77fch anniversary of the institution of Oddfellowship in this county will be observed by Washtenaw and Otseningo lodges, of this city, on Sunday, April 26. The raembers will attend Trinity Lutberan church in a body, where Eev. W. L. Tedrow will preaoh a sermón appropriate to the oocassion. The flrst lodge was instituted in Philadelphia in 1891, by Father Thomas Wildey and five others, now the lodges of I. O. O. F. are numbered by thousands and the members by hundreds of thousands. Anyone who desires to use those pretty 2 oent letter sheets whioh thé governraent manufactared a few years ago, shonld lay in a supply at the postofflce at once, as tbere are ooly 150 left, The government has oeased making them.and has designated a half a dozen large cities to whicb the stock on hand in the postoffices to be sent. They are a good thiug for ptamp ooilectors, and are a handy way of carrying writing material while traveling as they are letter paper and envelope combined.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News