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All tbose terrible, itchiiig diseases of' the skin that help to ïaake life miserable for ks are caused byexternal parasites. Doan's Ointment kills the parasite and cures the disease. Perfectiy hartnless. never fails, Mearly all women have good hair, thougk many are gray, and few are balrt. Ilall's Hair Renevver restores the natural color, and thickens the grovvth of the hair. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Gastona. , SPECIFIC FOR SCROFULA. "Since childhood, I have been afflicted with scrofulous boils and sores, which caused me terrible suö'ering. Physicians were unable to help me, and I only grew worse jt under tlieir care. Jë m At length, I began tt 4b ff niLn O Mrr?fy[ Sarsaparilla, and mÊF Vffi very soon grew betÍLíÍ ter. Af ter using "'IMP half a dozen bottles Y I was completely cured, so that I have not had a boil or pimple on any part of my body for the last twelve years. I can cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla as the very best blood-purifier in existenee." - G. T. BEiNEtART, Myersville, Texas. M H THE 01ÍLY WORLD'S FAIR m Sarsaparilla Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cures Coughs and Colds WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. rnjLLBLOODJERSFY HBIH'f.K CALP lor " sale. Two moaths old, at Fred Kraus, Ann Arbor, on Broadway. FOK SALE- Everett's Six Weeks, Freeman and Rural No. 2 seed potatoes. Also all kinds of nursery stock. W. F. Bird, West Huron Street, 13-16 ÏI'XCHANGE- Any one having Ann Arbor J city property tqexchauge foragood farm in the best locaüty in this vieinity, will tind a variety to select from by addressing, Russe'l Reeve, Dealer in Real Estáte, Dexter, Mich. 13-16 WANTED- A permanent home lora brig-ht, hetiltliy ëfght year old girl, Address her guardián, Russell O. Reeve, Dexrer, Mich. 13-H FOR RENT- Farm for rent in the town of Lodi, i' miles from the city on the gravel road. 138 acres w 11 watered. All improved land. Enquire of E. Wallace, Lodi, or Fred Ki"iu6, Ann A)Ébor. 12-15 THOROUGHBRED Coolie pups for sale or trade in wood. Inquire of Henry Mentn, 24 Detroit street. 3t rOUND- Porae money. Owner can have " same by calling at No. la Kingsley. Wm. Fobey.' fTo REisT - Term of years on shares- Stock I farm, 200 acres, tillable land, ampie buildings, g-cod fences, well watered. Lessee to lurnii-h stock. Is 2% miles from bests'ock market in Washtenavv county. A. M. Clark, Ann Arbor; A. F. Clark, Saline. 3t ÍOST. the 20th. inst., a Sheplicrd dod, abon ' Smonths old, answering to the Dame o "Snep." on Whitmore Lake road. Black with white breast. Any information concerning him will be appreciated, W, U. Uonegan Ann Arbor. t Br Ann fonrath Raspberry plants fo {'J,iJi sa[e eheap; the best fiavored anf largest black-cap grown ; is early, hardy anc vory productivo. Write for prices. liriLin Bros., Uox 1198, Ann Arbor. -!) mo RBNT.-An A No. 1 farm 1Í4 railes from city. Cali 3u'South Main. 7-10 riiEACHER of mandolín, banjo and euitar Hattio Long, B9 Miller Ave, FOR SALE.- Fine g-uitar for sale, apply a Axgus office. HORSE WANTED- At 28 N. State street a nn Arbor. Si list be young, sound. -nu cheap. Weight about 1,200 pounds. Ca soor FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-Three farms one close to Aim Arbor 85 acres, flrfa clasa buildings, Itnother in Lima, 11K) acre well timbere'l and good buildings, iind th third in Lodi. 40 acres, goad ampie building-s Cali on or address Wm. üsius, Uox 1551 An Arbor, Mich. FOR8ALEOIÍ BENT- A now 8-room lious with ugood barn, good well. two good ets terne, one and one-half lots of land. Term easy. Enquire at 33 Detroit St., Ann Avbor. ■i'ti. PIANO TUNING.- A. D. Brown, the vre known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, wl be in ihe city eoon. Orders left at the Abgu office will ro"0vo bis attention. STONE and brick house for sale r rent, K 83 North Main Street. Enquire of Geo. A Peters, Scio, or liach & Butler, Ann Arbor. 9-12


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News