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Hon. Wm.Ball, of Hamburg, was in the city on Monday. Mr. J. A. Case, of tbe legal department of the Union Pacific B. R.. of New York city, and a gradúate of the Dniversity, class of '84, retnrned to New York Sunday after several d.ys spent in this city. Miss Cora Wilson, of Adrián, spent Easter in the city. Judge E. D. Kinne is holding court in Monroe. Rev. E. J. Craft, of Cleveland, O., will occupy the pulpit of the M. E. ohnrch next Sunday. Rev. C. A. Young, of Chicago, was in the oity last Sunday and preached at the Church of Christ. His work for the Biblechairs is proving very successful. Mrs. D. S. Hall, of Manchester, who has been vieiting County Clerk Dausinbnrg and family, retnrned home Saturday. Attorney F. Grove Campbell, of Detroit, was in the city Tuesday. He said he carne up to attend the city democratie funeral. Dr. A. S. MoGuire, of Detroit, was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hngh McGnire, Sr., last Sunday. A. A. Pearson is now local editor of the Washtenaw Evening Times, taking the place of George J. JBaller. Prof. W. B. Hinsdale, of the homeopathie college, will speak at a banquet given by the homeopathie physioians of Detroit, at the Russell house in that city this evening. Mrs. J. B. Angelí was re-elected president aud Mrs. Robert Campbell treasnrer of Miohigan of the W. B. M. I. at the meeting recently held in Porc Huron. Mr. and Mrs. John Burg entertained the members of the Phi Delta Phi and their friends at a musioal on Wednesday evening. It was a very pleasant occasion to all. William F. Fischer, of Battle Creek, was in the city last night attending the reception and ball of the A. A. L. Miss Milla Norton is visiting witb. friends in Lapeer county. William Walsh returned home from Wayne, where he was selling machinery, Weduesday eveoing, on purpose to attend the Light Infantiy reception. D. B. Cheever has been in Chicago on business for the past few days. Mrs. Bidwell, of Tecumseh, has been the guest of Mrs. W. D. Adams for the past few days. Miss Flora Benham left for Ithaca, N. Y., today where she will stay for Boae time with her aunt, who is in ill health. Louis Laviolette, who was wifch Jacobs & Allmaud wheu they firsi opened up in the sboe business, is again in the employ of the firm. Mrs. W. J. Booth gave a very fine Inncbeon to a party of about 40 lady friends frorn ïpsilanti and this city, on Tuesday afternoou. Miss Lizzie Lavey, of Dexter, is in the city visiting frieuds. Mrs. John Wotzke eutertained a nuinber of friends Monday eyeniag in tionor of her birthday. Y. H. Whitmarsh, of Milán, was in the city on Weduesday. Miss Hattie Crippen has been engaged as general secretary of the Y. W. CA. for the balance of the year. Mrs. S.E. Sheeban and children.Jwho have been visiting Mrs. N. Drake, returned home to I8troit, Tuesday. Ed. G-akle attended the wedding of bis sister, Miss Lydia Gakle to Edward Thenrer at Saline on Tuesday. L H. Clement is in Chicago for a few days on business.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News