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Y. M. C. A. Annual Banquet

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The second annnal banquet tendered to the sustaining members of the Y. M. C A. by the Ladies' Auxiliary last Friday evening was oharacterized by innoh enjoynient and a rare display of good feeling and excellent speeches. Fully 150 ladies and gentlemen sat down to the bountifnul spread which had been provided by the ladies, araong ■whom were the members of the state executive cominittee who were here on that day attending a meeting of that body. Musio was furnished dnring the evening by several members of the high school orchestra in a most pleasing mauner. The banquet orer, W. B. Phillips, chainnan of the committee who had the banquet in charge, rapped for order and in a few words introdnced the toastmaster of the evening, Mr. H. O. Van Tuyl, of Detroit, general secretary of the state Y. C. M. A. He filled his post to peifection and by his many happy and wity remaiksconcerning the several speakers helped along the evenins wonderfully. "Local Conditions" wtis the topio assigned to the first speaker, E. P. Jáills, of this city. He said the first thing that always appears on a bilí of fare, is sonp and for that reason fie had probably been chosen to speak first. The local conditions of this town are peculiar for three reasons. First; Most towns of this size have frjm 500 to 600 young men, butíAnn Arbor has 3.500 during niue uionths of the year. This places a grave responsibility on the people and churches. The establishment of such places as Newberry hall, Harris hall and McMillan hall has done much for the good of the student body, and the people have tried to fnlfil their duty to this class, bnt in doing so they have done too little for their own tó'wu boys; second: There have been two classes in the population of Ann Arbor, Germans and Americans, tending to diverse and confiicting methods of -work, bnt that he was pleased to say was gradually wearing away; thiid : The great number of transient dwellers in the oity, people who come here for a few years to edúcate their children and then move away again. This class. has really no interest in the oity nor does it pretend to have. He closed his remarks by stating that all classes should assist in the work of saving yonng men. It shonld be remembered that in all ages great men have come from all ranks of life. At Vin timfl tViafc .Tp.ff'ftrsnn . frnm thfi halls of college was enunciating his grand principies of reform in this conntry, Benjamin Franklin, the great philanthropist sprang from the ranks of the people ; and at the time of our great oivil war when Grant carne forth from West Poiut to command the armies of the North, Lincoln came from the ranks of the people ia Illinois to guide the destinies of the oation. Bev. J. M. Gelstnn spoke of "The Chnrch and the Association." He designated the Y. M. C. A. as "the flying artillery of the church" and the various denominations the "supply stations." The Y. M. C. A. he said has a right to cali on the churches for all the supplies needed for an arduous military campaign, and the local churches are standing bravely by the association. Leonard Lanrense, of Detroit, a pioneer of the Michigan Y. M. G. A., spoke briefiy on "The Influence of the Association on the Comrnunity, " in the course of which he described the work of the eastern branch of tbe association in Detroit. Prof. F. S. Goodrich, of Albion, made the best speech of the evening and had he continned his remarks for donble the length of time that he did, he would have had an attentive and appreciative audience. He spoke of Msappearance before thern that evening and said that when he was told he was to speak he feit something like the remark attribnted to Goliath, when strnck with the stone from David's sling. "Such a thing never entered my head before. " He had traveled "expensively bnt not extensively" and told of the Y . M . C . A . work as he had seen it in foreign conntries. Christ, the thought, gave the Y. M. C. A. its true motto when he said to Zacharias "Bun, speak to tliis young man." "Bun" indicates extreme activity; "speak" - the work is to be one oí testimony as well as activity; "this," that it is to speoial instead of general; "young man" - our work is with the yonth. The letters "Y. 11. C. A." he thought should mean that "Yon Must Come Again," and "Yon Must CatchAll." P. D. Taylor, of Detroit, spoke of "The Bequirements for Successful Work." He urged the necessity for eaoh Y. M. O. A. having a home of its own. He used strong and well drawn argnments in favor of his views and quoted different authorities to back np his argument . Mrs. Boy McClure gave a pretty vocal solo at this stage of the proceed ings for which she received warm applause . President C . W . Wagner replied to the toast "The Guests of the Evening," the sustaining mernbership . He aid that in the two blooks on Main street between Hurón and Liberty street, out of 62 business houses, 34 are sustaining members of the Y . M . C . A . He told of the hopes and work and thanked the sustaining membership heartily. If the association keeps but one boy from going wrong all the investments made here will have beenarnply repaid. Nathaniel Stanger's witty reply to the toast assigned to him "Onr Entertainers," the Woman's Ausiliary, was hugely enjoyed and Nate covered himself with glory by his remarks which from an "old bachelor's" standpoint were certainly well ohosen. Toastm aster Van Tuyl, on behalf of [rving Edwards, here presented the association with another ornament for the walls of its rooms in the shape of a hansome portrait of its flrst and only president, C. W. Wagner. H. M. Olarke, of Detroit, happily concluded the evening's speaking with "The Conclusión of the whole Matter." His principal conclusión was that to hiintheY. M. C. A. was the chnrch at work . The proceedings concluded with the singing of the doxoiogy by the oompany after which Rev . W . W . Wetmore üronounced the benediotion.


Ann Arbor Argus
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