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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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Í DISEASED MEN CUFED g (' TUnilCñHCoí ypnng mon, middle aged men and oíd men can look back at jj? nUUOMlïl J their boyhoód days or earJy maphood with a sigh. of remorse. j , The ignorance of early youth, or Ínter on a misspent life as "one of the boys" has sown J ■ the 8;eds f or tature suffering. SELF ABUSE is a terrible sin against natare and ■■] I will bringarich harvest. Blond and Priate.l)iseses sap tho very life and vitality fl of tho victim. üor NEW METHOi) TREAl'MENT will positively onre all the foUowVf S ing diseaees: EJ l VARICOCELE, EMISSiONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, SYPH1LIS, STRICTURE, GLEET, SEMINAL WEAK; ( NESS, PIMPLES, LOT MANHOOD, UNNATURAL K ï DISCHARGES, KSDNEY AND BLADDER DiSEASES. & f U flDC Vn 11 0 NERVOUS and despondent; weakordebilitated: tired mornmgs; no J ■ HftL ISjU ! ambition- lifeless; memorypoor; easüy fatigned; excitable and irrimi Ïtable; eyes sunken, red and blarred; pimples on face; dreams and night lqeses; rest1% lees; haggard looking; weak back, bone pains; hair looee; ulcers; eore throat; varico%f 1 cele; deposit i.'i urine and drains at stool; distrimtfui: wanf. of conficieuce; lack of Q ! energy and strength-We CAN CURB YOU OR ASK NO RAY. S CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY- CONFiDENTIAL S K SMATCHED'FR.OM THE GRAVE. ft32ffi&jS&lt&g i i doctors and nerve tf)nirs by the ecore without benefit; emissions and drains increased. fl % I became a nerïons wreek. A friend who had be'.'n curefl by i)rs. Kennedy & Kergan fg Cof a similar diseaso, adïised me to try them. I dia soandia two montos was positiTeVm iycured. This wa eight yeare ago. I aui now ruarried and have ttro healthy childJ ren."- C. W. LBWIS, fcaginaw, ÏWUDinnnCi E PUDED "Varicocele made life miserablO. I was weak and fa VfinlbÜMtLE tr Ü ft L U nervons, eyes banken, batíhfnliu society, bair thin, fg % no ambition. Te 'Golden Monitor' opened my eyes. The New Mett-od Treatment or m % Dre. Kennedy and Keigan cared me in a few weeks.- I. h. PEïiiKÖON, lonia, n ? CMICCSnSJC f'SSDCrs JP. BMEBSON relates hia esiierience, "I iived on ifi 9 CmloOlUlio türíCU. B-farm. Atechooll learned an early habit. which Q weakened me physically, eexdally and mentaliy. Faniiiy doctors enid 1 wí3 going Cinto 'decline' (consumption.) i'inalJy 'The Go!en Monitor,1 eiiitfd by Drs. Kennedy m & Kergan, feU iuto my hauds. X learned the TRÜTH aad the CAUSE. Self-aboso B had sápped my vitaíi: y. I took the New Mettiod Treatment and was cured. My p r friends ihink 1 wascurrjdotconsamiirion. I huve fiant them many piitisnfs, all of W (k whom -were cured. Their New liethod ïreatmant Euppiies vigor, vitaiity and M manhood." J 1 CVDUIIIC Pi'Drf1 "This terrible blood disease was in my aystem for eight g m OÍ ríi!Ll5 sjiíili. U1 years. Had taken mercury for two yeare, bat the disease m i returned. Eyes red, pimples and blotches on the skin, ulcers in the mouth aud on HJ Ïtongue, bone pains, falling ont oí hair, wf-akuess, etc. My brother, who had been I cured of Gleet and Strirturs by Drs. Kennedy and Kergan, recommended tliem. S They cured me in a few weeks, and 1 thank God 1 consultad them. No return of the D V diseane in six ye:irs." - W, P. M., Jackaon. J S W i 7 YEAftS iN DETROIT, 200,000 CURfcD. NO RISK. CDITAmrQ! Areyon a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you 'contemplating et ritrlL'C-ri marriage? liasyoar biood ieen Jiseasedr1 Have you any weakness? M Oor New Method Treatment will enre yon. What it has done for others it will do for h von. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has tratcd you. write for an honest f IS opinión Free of (harge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE.- "The Golden Monitor" tg IK (illustrated), on Uiseases ot Men.Inclose pustage, 2 conts. öealeii. K 1 "NONAMBS USEÜ WITHOUT VRll TEN CONSENT. PRIQ B VATE. Nomedicinesent C. O. D. No ñames on boxes or envel m oses Everything confldentlal. Questlon list and cost of 11 P Treatment FREE. . g


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