Heard Mrs. Fillmore's Claim
The executive oornmitteeof the Great, Tent of the K. O. T. M., consisting of D. D. Aitkin, of Flint, past great commander, Thomas Watson, of Port Hnrou, great record keeper, N. S. Boynton, of Port Huron, great oommander and DeVere Hall, of Bay City, great lieutenant commander, held a session in this city last Saturday. The committae was here to listen to the claim of Mrs. Catherine Fillmore for the payment of $1,000 death benefit dtie on the death of her husband, Ariel Fillmore. Prof. B. M. Thompson, as Mrs. Fillmore's attorney, presented her claims to the cominittee, which will render no decisions for some weeks. The qnestion of whether a stockholder in a manufactnring company is also to be called a rnannfacturer is r ai sed by this attenipt of Mrs. Fillmore to secure from the Maccabees the $2,Q00 insurance on her husband's life. When he died she applied for the insurance but was refused on the grotind that her husband, being a stockholder in the Ann Arbor Brewing Company, was ruiea out trom tecuring tüe benent b] tbe by-law of the Maccabees specially exenipting manufacturers and dealers in intoxicating liquors. She then car ried her case to the oourts, and there i was ruled that she mnst. flrst employ every means possible within the order to seonre her claim before she eould apply to the law for relief. According ly she appiled to th6 supreme counci of the Maccabees of Michigan, and on Saturday as above related, a oommittee of that oouncil heard her case here.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Catherine Kittie Alderton Fillmore
Ariel H. Fillmore