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Commissioner's Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUJSTTY of Waehtenaw. The undersigned haring been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Oommissioners to receive, examine aud adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of Honora Burns, late of said conDty, deceased, hereby give noiice that six months f rom date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of WUUam H. Hclntyre, iu the city of Ann Arbor, in saidcounty, on the 2öth day of J une and on the 25th day of September nexl, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said daya, to receive, examine and adiust said claims. Dated, yarch :ó, 1890. WM. H. McINTYRE, JOHN KRESS, Cotninissionerg Mortgage Sale. DEPAULT HAVING BEEN AIAÜE IN THE condltlons of a certain niortgage bearing date the 4th day of April. 1893, made by Charles H. Leonard to Patrick Grogran and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Washtenaw County, Michigan, in Liber82 of Mortgages on Page 323, on the 7th day of April, 18S3, on wbich mortgage there is clainied to be due at the date of this notice the sitm of eight bundred and forty-ntne dollars and sixty cents and no suit or proceedingatlaw or In equity having been instituted to recover the money secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now, theret'ore, by virtue of the power of sale, contained in said mortgage andthestatutein sueh case provlded, notice is hereby given tliat on Saturday, toe Xlth day of July, 1896, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, there will be sold at public auction to the uighest bidder at the east iront door of the couri house, in ihe Ciiy of Ann Arbor, that heilig the place of holding the Circuit Court for 6aid County. the premisos described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage and the expenses of this foreclosuiv provided for by law The premlses to be sold are described as foilowa; The north-east quarter of the BOUth-east quarter of section nine in the township of INorthfield, Washtenaw County, Micli. Dated, April 18, 1890. PATRICK GKOGAN. Thompson & TIarbiman, iiiortgagee. Attornevs for Mortgagee. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CODNTV OF AV'ashtenaw. The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commissioners to receive, examine aad adjrst all claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of Amanda M. Traver, late of said County, deceased, hereby give notice that six months froni dale are allowed, by order ot said Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims against the estafe of said deceased, and that they will meet at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arior. in said county, on the 27thday of july,and onthe"27th daj of Oetober next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, April 27, 189G. NORMAN D. GATES, CHARLES H. MANLV, Cora uiission ers. In Chancery. STATE OF MICHIGAN, TWENTY-SECOND Judicial Circuit, in Chancery. Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw in chancery. Alloe G. Sherman, eomplalnant, va. Isaac E. Sherman, defcmlant. In tbiseauee it appearing that defeuilaat, Isaac E Sherman, is a non-resident of this stateand Isa resident of the State of Florida, therefore, on motion of Thompson & HarriniBii, solicitors for tlu complalnaut, it is orderea, that defendani enter his appearanee in said oourt on or before tour moatlis Erom the date of 1 ie order, and that within tvventy days the complainant cause this order to be pubUshed in the Ann Arbor Argus. said publicatiou to be continue. i once In each week for six weeks in succes-ion Dated April 11, 1 E. D, KINNE, Thompson & Harbiman, Circuit Judge. Solicitors for Complainant. Estáte of Morris M. Richmond. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cotiuty of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Couri for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. on Monday, the llth day of May. in fhe year one tnousand eight hundred aiid ninetysix. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judse of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Morris M. Hich mond, deceased. On reading and flliug the petition. duly verifled, of Audrew Kichmond, praying that administration of said estáte may be pranted to John C. Mead or somo other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the 8th day of June next, at 10 o'cloek in the forenoou be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, If any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons mterested in said estáte, of the pendoncy of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causiug a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argus. a newspaper printed and circulated iu said county, tnree successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. W1LLAED HABHITT, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate Wxlwam G. Doty. Probate Keirister. Notice to Creditors. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY '-' of Washtenaw , ss. Notice is hereby givon, that by an order of tbe Probate Court for the Countv of Wushtenaw, made on the 27th day of Arril A. D. 1896, six months írom that date vere allowed for creditorsto present their claime against the estáte of Milo Clark, late of said countv, deceased, and that &H creditor of said deceased are required to present their claim to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or beforu the 27th day of October next, and that such claims will be heard before said cp'irt, on the 27th day of July, and on the 27th day of Oetober next, at ten o'elock in tne forenoou of each of said days Dated. Ann Arbor, April 27, A. D. 18D6. (. WILLAHD BABBITT, Judgoof Probate. Dr. Miles1 Nebve PLASTBRsenre EHEDMATIOM, WEAK BAOKS. At druggists, only 25c.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News