George Mason, of Thompson st., is i Saginaw on business. Mis. W. W. Beman is visiting he brother in Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. Ed. L. Seyler is visiting friend in Howell for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Howlett spen Sunday with friends in Waterloo. G. W. Prettyman of Chicago, is th guest of his brother, H. G. Prettyman Dr. W. B. Smith is in Ottimrwa, Ia. looking after his real estáte interest there. Herman Easton is convalescing from a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. Regents Kiefer, Barbour and Cocke were in the city Tuesday on university business. Dr. E. D. Brooks was called to Mil ford Saturday night on professiona business. M. Howe, a supervisor of Monroe fo 25 years, was in the oity Monday on businss. Mrs. F B. Tibbals, of Detroit, i ■visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. L. Babcock this week. Mrs. Joel Kennedy, of Fifth ave. , is entertaining her brother from Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Fred C. Brown. of Chicago, is in the oity and will spend the summer with her mother. Charles E. Hiscock has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Reed in Chicago the early part of the week. John F. Ryan, cashier of the People's Savings Bank at Mt. Pleasant, was an Ann Arbor visitor Saturday. Fred C. "Wetmore, of Cadillac, visited his parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Wetmore Sunday and Monday. Dr. John B. Dowdigan, of Owosso, was in the city Sunday and Monday visiting his mother and sisters. R. C. Barney is in Rutledge, Vt., where he will spend three weeks among the great marble quarries in that vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carrow, of Detroit, are in the city. Mr. Carrow has the contract to build the women's gymnasium. Rev. Henry Tatlock will exchange pulpits with Rev. Wm. Gardam, of St. Luke's church, Ypsilanti, Sunday morning. Dr. V. C. Vaughan went to New York Tuesday night to give testimony as a poison expert in an important murder trial. Fred C. Brown, of Chicago, formerly editor and manager of the Washtenaw Evening Times, was in the city Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Steele, accompnied by hr son and daughter and Mr. Bennett, all of Plymoufh, visited Mrs. H. S. Cheever on Sunday. The Misses Kittie Smith and Mae Dunlap went Monday morning to Cinoinnatti to atrend the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Mollie Peoples. Col. Henry S. Dean was elected commander of the Loyal Legión at the annual meeting of that body, held in Detroit, Thursday, May 7. Miss Grace Jenkins, of Flint, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. B. F. watts ro? some weeks past, returned borne Wednesday afternoon. George Millar, of 42 N. División st, celebrated his 66th birthday yesterday. During the evening he was serenaded by the choir of Zion Lutberan church, W.W. Watts will attend the meeting of : the Grand Commandery, K. T., at Grand Rápids next week, representing Ann Arbor Commandery in that body. Mr. and Mrs. John Gall, of Freedom, will make this city their home in the future, having purchased a house at the oorner of Miller ave. and Fountain st. Miss Emilie Loch, of Brighton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. M. Belding, of the north side. She will sail June 4 for Europe, where she will spend the summer. Dr. J. L. Rose was in Jackson Wednesday and yesterday as the representativo of Arm Arbor Lodge, No. 44, K. of P. , at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the order. Mrs. 11. S. Oswald is the third delégate of the Political Equality Club to the annnal meeting of the Michigan Equal Suffrage Association, which meets at Pontiao next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Blake and chilren, of Alpena, bave been visiting friends in the city and vicinity for the past few days. Dr. Blake left for home last evening, but Mrs. Blake and cmidren will remam tor a lew days. Miss Ruby Viola Jones,of Plymouth, celebrated her 20th birthday at the home of her graudpareunts, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davis, No. 9 E. Htiron st., last Friday. Among the guests present were Jas. Johnson, E. Tomlinson and George W. Eioe, of Detroit. Geo. R. Kelly, the Hnron st. ticket broker, went to Buffalo, N. Y. , Tuesday night and is attending the annual eonvention of the American Ticket Brokers' Association, which is in session there from Wednesday until tomorrow. Mr. Kelly will visit his old home in Toronto on his return trip. Mrs. J. A. Brown, of 21 Lawrence st. , entertained a party of 20 friends on Thursday evening in a very pleasant manner. Progressive whist was the order of the evening, the fi'-st prize being won by Mr. Arthnr Brown and the other prize by Mr. T. V. Mingay. Daiuty refreshnifints were served and the party separated at a little after 1 2 o'clock.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Fred W. Blake