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Sinful Habits In Youth

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? LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD 7 K MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN K o, o SrUr nrolllTof ignorance and f olly in youth, overexertion of mind and body nc-M BÍ'Ht (II Mi I edbv lust and exposure are constantly wreckine the hves and fata leR Ïï4m ,ïnïïeo7 tóo-ulandi oï Sing young men. Somo fade and wither at an early age g Wthe trades and the pröfessions. . 15 RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. Tw.m. A. WALKEK. WÉ A. WALKER. MKS. CHAS. FEKRY, CHAS. FERRY. . SbéFOEE TBBATMENT afteb TEEAT3IEKT Divorced but united again SM . tSNO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS 1ISEO WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT."5 # !{ - AVra. A. Walker of 16th Street says:- "I have sufferedi a Q V P M 1 1 I nntold agonies for my "gay life.' 1 was indiscreet whei)B#] 3L c JirniLIO yonng and ignorant. As "Oneof the Uoys" lcontractedg n dWIlQQIONQ Hyphilis and other Private diseases. 1 had ulcera m iliiH. H CITIIOOIVIIO mouth and throat, bone pains, hair loóse, pimples oi.JJ SS QTR IOTI IRF iace finer nails catne oft, e:nissions, became thin andi i w O I niUI Ulll. despondent. Seven doctors treated me with Mercurj.f-. r IRCn Potah, etc. They helped me bat could not care nip.l! ti VUnLU FinailvafriendinducedmetotryDrs.Kennedy&Kergan.B Hihcir New Method Treatment cared me in a few weeks. Their treatment is wonderfal.n 2 You feel jourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their faiiing to cure m a singleO SCase'' gf-CURES CUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED KCapt. Chas. Ferry says:- "Iowemy life Drs. K. & K. ..nA-rrMV K At 14 I learned a bad habit. At 21 1 had the symptpms IMPOTENCY W S f iáeminal Weaxness and Spermatorrhcea Emissions ,..D.nrir, r Wwpre draining and weakening my vitahty. I marned at VAKIUUUtLt. JJ K24 under advice of my family doctor, bat lt was a -kMO K „ad experipnce In eighteen months we were divorced. I tlVllOOl UIMö " - ihen consuited Drs. K. & K., who restored me to manhood Drn ' - Sby their NevuMethndTr.mlment. Ifeltanewhfe thnllthrough tfUntU wi llmy nerves. We were united again and are happy. This was! - - ! M "six years ago. Drs. K. & K. are scientific speciahsts and I heartily recommend them. w% " %WVe treat and cure, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal %VVtakness, GUet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Sdf ' Abus Kidney and Bladder Diseases. M 1 7 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK ■ ■ U Jf. nrAHFD ! A-e voua victim? Have yon lost hope? Are you conteraplating mar-JJ KnhrtUtn riagè? Has your Blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? ünrlf NTew Method Treatment will cure vou. What it has done for others it wül do for you - iTiNSIILTttTION FRLE No mHtter who has treated you, write for an honest opinión Free =of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE-'The Golden Monitor" (illustrated) onfl DDisea&es of Men. lnclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed. U vg.NO MAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI-D Wxatë i o medicine sent C O. D. Nonameson boxes or envel-J Sopes: Fverytningconfidentlal. Question list and cost of Treat-g kDBS.TeNNEOY & KËÜNdch8


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