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Real Estate Transfers

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The followiug transfers of real estáte have been recorded in the office of the register of deeds between May 21 and 27 inclusive : Pamelia Taylor to Desire Ormsby, Manchester, $365. Harriet P. Farnum to Albert and Alvina Steffen, Ann Arbor, $150. Lucretia Arnold to Francés Thurston, Dexter, $25. Charles Binder and wife to Martin & Fischer, Ann Arbor, $3,000. E. Jane Taylor to Henry Filber, Manchester, $30. Martha Trenbolm to Wra. Trenholm, Webster, $1,000. Sophronia E. Wheeler to Kneeland B. Sinimous, Pittflseld, $11. Mandns Merker and wife to Eoeline C. McNally, Sylvan, 40. Sarah J. McCarty to Levi "McOarty, Augusta, $1,000. Wallace Durkee and wife to John Kidge Augusta, $700. Jonathan Wardle and wife to John Bidge, Augusta, 150. John Ridge to Wallace Durkee, Augusta, $700. A. D. Crittenden and wife to Ida Crittenden, Pittsfled, $7,500.