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BUSY 5T0RE 0F SGflAIRER &. WILLEN Will be a month of bargains with us. We must sell $12,000 worth of Merchandise by Juiy ist. Prices have been cut in every department. One lot Ladies' Duck Suits closing out at Sr. 98. Closing out Ladies' Black Mohair Dress Skins at $2.75. 200 Ladies' Print Wrappers, Blue and Black, at 69c each. 75 Ladies' Lawn Wrappers, worth $1.75, for June $1.25. White Lawn Wrappers, the $2.00 kind, at $1.50. 50 pieces New Persian Ribbons, have been selling at 50c and 75c: For this sale 25c a yard. BE AD ON! READON! 50 pieces Wide Dress Lawns at 5c a yard. 100 pieces White India Linen at 5c a yard. 10 pieces Black Satine atiioc a yard. 5 pieces Black Brocade Satines a bargain at i2_c a yard. 25 pieces Pretty New Dimities at 10c a yard. 50 pieces ioc Dress Ginghams at 5c a yard. 3 bales Yard-wide Sheeting at 4c a yard. 50 pieces Toweling at 3c a yard. 50 pieces Heavy Twill Toweling at 5c a yard. 10 pieces Turkey Red Table Damask at 15c a yard. 200 ends Table Linens at half-price. Ypsilanti Dress Stays at 5c a set. Stockinet Rubber Dress Shields at 5c a pair. B& Every Item as Advertised. ftflIS A IffSF il O 1AI9 K FM THE I HJlllll"K Xl M $ΓΌ BUSY OunflinCli QL IflJLLCH store.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News