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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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I DISEASCD MEN CURED i S TUflIlQUNn ' 'onnL nicn, muidle aged men and old men can look back at X H M U U O H i f O their boyhond days r early manhood with a sigh of remorse. H S2 The ignorance of early youth, or later on a misspent lifc as "one of the boys" has sown ■ IJg the eeeds ior fature euñering. SELF ABUSE is a teirible sin against nature and ■■■ I will bring a rich harvest. Blond and Private ii euses sap the very life and vitality W IJ of iho victim. Our NEW MEi'UOl) TKEAlMENT wül io3itively cure all the 10 u ingdiseaseö: O VARiCOCELE, EMISSiQNS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, ! SYPH1L1S, STRICTURE, GLEET, SEMINAL ) K NESS, PIMPLES, LO T MANHOÜD, UNNATURAL Ki DISCHARGES, KIDNEY AMD BLADDER D1SEASES. &! KIT' SDC Yflü 9 NEKVOÜSanddespondent; weak or dobilitated: tired morn'ngs; no HHl lUU ! ambition- lifelesa; niemory poot; nasily fatigueii; excitable and ee irh table; eyes sunken, red and blarred; pimples on face; dreams and night losses; rest-' il PW less; haggard looking; weak back, bone paine; hair looee; r.lcers; eoie throat; U ID cölï depoit in urine and drainp at Pínol; distrnslful: want of confidence; lack of Q m energyandstrength-ME' CAN CURE YOD OR ASK NO PAY. S CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY-CONiFIDENTIAL $ fe SNATCHED FROIVS THE GRAVt. a.TSES[.BS-flBfIí& K liL doctors and nerve tonice by the ecore witliout benefit; emissioDS and irains increased. ICs I béfame a nervous wreek. A friend who had be"n ourod by llrs. Kennedy & Kergan ft fl of asimilard'sease, adTised me to try ihem. I di'i so and in two months H lycnred. This was eiglit years ago. lam nov.' married and have two healthy a' ftj ren."- C. W. LEWIS, ííaginaw, LJ S UARIPnPFIP PlinPn "Variooeelemafle life miserable. I vras weak and - IW ÏHnluUutLL UU II LU. nervous. eyes unnken, bafhfnl in society, hair thin, M no ambition. The 'Golden Monitor' opened my e.ves. The New Mot.bod Treatment oL &á ïï Dre. Kennedy and Kergan carud me in ü few weeks.- I. L. PETEKSON, lonia, ! fc CMICCin&iC nüDÜTR EMERSON relates Ma esyerience. "I I-red on O fö LmiOOlUIlO büJllLU. afsrm. At schooll learned an earJy habit. which Ö O weakeDed me physically, eexnally and mentaiJy. Family doctors öaid 1 was going ![# into 'decline' (consnmption.) Fioally 'Tbe (iojden llouitor,' edited by Drs. Kennedy mg [I & Kergan, feil into my hands. 1 learned tbe TRUTH and the CAUSE. 8elf-abuse R q liad sapped my vitality. 1 took tt.e New Jlethod and was cured. My ïj [H! friende think J was cured of cousuminion. I have sent tlieni many patiënte, all oL W IC whom were cured. Their Kew Uethod Treatmeut suppües vigor, vitality and ft IK manhood." M IS CYPHIIIQ PHQPn "Thi-s terrible blood diseass was in my system for eight ■"" 'ur uirniLlO uUmCU' years. Had tak n mercury for two years, bnt the disease UU-, g returneii. Eyes red, pimples and blotches on the skin, ulrers in the mouth aud on 5g [J tongue, bone pains, falling out of hair, weakness, etc. My brother, who had been I J cured of Gleet and iátrif-ture by Drf. Kennedy and Kergan, recummended them. 3 They cured me in a few weeks, and i thank God 1 consulted tnem. No return of the U H d.sease in six years."- VV. P. M., Jackson. il 1 7 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURKD. NO RISK. KRFAfïFRt ÍÍTey9a ? victim? Have you lost hope? Are yon contemplatinjí ij ntrALJ'S.I. marriage? Has your biood leen diseased? Have you any weakness? M & Our New MethodTreatmpnt wil! cure you. What it has done for others it will do for ! you. CONSULTAIION FREE. No matter who has tn ated you. write for an honest ff , opinión Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE.- "Tlie Uolden Monitor" !? I (illustrated), on Dit-eases of Men.lnclobe pustage, 2 cents, tíealed. H ■ B"NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRi 1TEN CONSENT. O VATE. No medicine sent C. O. D. No ñames on boxes "■ 1 opes. tverytning confidential. Question list and cost of R t Treatment FREE. U I DRS.KENNEDY & KERGANT "offlliM-.i IB ft


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