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Chancery Sale. IN PUKSCTANCE AND BY VIRTUE OK A deeree of the Circuit Court for the County oí Washtenaw, in chancery, State of Michigan, made and enterecl on the twentytilth day of January, 1896, in a certaln cause tlierein pending wherein Fredrick Schmld, exeontor, is complaiiiant, aiui William Whaley, Sarah K. Whaley, The Parmer's and Merehauts Baok and the and Hoschet Press Company are defendants Notiee is liereby giveu that I shall eell at public auciion to the highest bidder al the easi mtranee of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor. Stute of Michigan, Ítha1 being the building in whieli the Circuit Court Cor the Counfy o'i Washtenawisheld), on Wednes'Iay.theflrstdny of July, 189U, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of the said day, the followlng desoribed property situated in the Townshig Of York, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, known, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Commenoing in the oen ti e of the Monroe aud Saline highway, on the east line of the Anu Arbor Raüroad Company's land, thenee south sixty and one-half deun ■ ■-.. east alongtho centre of highway four rods to a stone, thenee north twenty-ninë and three-fourths degrees, east ten rodB toa stake, thenoe north sixty and one-fourth 8eürees west, twelve rods to a stake, thenee south-easterly along the rallroad oompariy's land to the place of begJning, oontainine onehalf acre of land, on seetion thirty-tlve oí sílid Township of York, toether with the iHilk and in il] macbinery situated thereon, and all of the rlght, title and interest of the mortgagors in anl to the engine, boiler, older press and cvaporator and all othor machlnery contained in and made use of in any of the inill-. or buildings situated thereon. Dated May 12, 1896. JOSEPH F. WEBB. Circuit Court Commissioner, E. B. Nobris, Wu.Oitouaw County, Mich. Solieitor lor Complainant. Commissioner's Notice. STATU. OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw. The undersigned beenappointed by the Probate Court for sai1 County, Com. missioners to receive, exnmine aiul adjusl al f claim, and demands of all persons atjainst the estáte oí Thomas Stewart, iate of said Countv, deceased, herebv give notice thai six motiths from date areallowecï, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims aerainst the estáte of said deceased. and that they will meet at the office of D. P. McLachlan, in the Village of Mooreville. in said County, on the Uthdny of August and ou the llth day oí November next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each oí' said days, to receive, examine and adjnst sai.l claims. Dated Mav 11, 1S96. D. P. McLACHLAX. ALFKED DAVENPORT. Commissiouers. Notice to Creditors. ÜTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF WA8H3 tenaw- fs. Notice is hereby given thatjby an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the I8th day oJ May. A. J. 1896, si. months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claim against the estáte of Mary O'Kcefe, late of said connty, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city ol Ann Arbor for examlnation and allowance, on or before the 18th day ot November üext, and that suoh claltns wi'l be heard before said Court n the lsth day of Aujrust and on the lSth day of November aext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Anu Arbor, May IS, A. D. 1?98. J. WILLaRDBABBITT. Judse of Probate. Notice of Dram Letting. 1V0T1CE I HEREBY GIVEN, TH ATI, DAN1. lel V. Barry, county draincommissionerof ihe County of Washtenaw. State of Michigan, will, on the lOth day ol' June, A. D. 1S!K. at the lower end of drain in the Township of Ypsilanti, at ten o'elook in the forenoon of that day,, proceed to receive bids for the coustruction ot a certaln drain knowu and desurnated as "The Wlllow Kun Drain," loeated and establlshed in the Townshipsof Ypellantl and Superior and deseribed as follows, to wit: Commencing on the north line of the Michigan Central rallroad right of way 22 rods and 14 links north and ÏH Qegrees east from where the west line of the e Jofsw 4, of sec. 1; tbeuce 3 8 r 7 e, crosses said railroad Une, thenee running n 3 degrees e 30 rods; thenee n 11 degrees. e 2 rode; thenee n 12 degrees, w 3 12-25 rods; thenoe u 43 degrees, e ti 13-2Ï rods; thenee n i deeree, w 38 rods; thenee n 12!i degrees, e 20 rods; thenee n 114 defrrees, w 2 rods; thenee n T degrees, w B rods; thenee n 18 desrees. w 54 rods: thenee n .') desrees, w 34 2-5 rods; thenee n 27 degreee, w 98-6 rods: thetice n T;ïi4 degrees, w 57 rods: t lunet' n 03 degrees. w 28 1 3-25 rod to the town line-: thenee w Sü 12-25 rods to a point 28 V-V) rods i-i ol' the northeast corner ot ser. 2. town :. s. It. ; E ; total lengtb of drain 880 rods. Sai 1 jo will bc let by sections. The sèotion at the outlet of the drain will be let first, and the remalning sections in their order up Btream, In aceordance with the diagram now on Ble with the other papers peitainiug to said drain, in the office of the Drain Commisstbner, to whlch referenoe may be had by all parties interested, and bids wili be made and received accorditiijly. Contracts wil] bc made with tbc towest responsible bidder glving adequate securlty for the performance of the work, in a sum then and there to be fixed by me, reservinji to myself tlie riirht to rejeot any and all bids. The date for the completion Of SUOh contract, and the tering ol' paynielit therefor, shall be announeed at the tune and place of lettiug, Notice furt lier hereby given, that at the time and place of said letting, or at Buch other time and plaoe thereaf ter to whlch I, the Drain commissioner aforesaid, may adjourn the same, the assessment! tor beneBts and the lauds compriseo within the ''Wjilow Run Drain Special Assessment District," will be subject to review . The followlng is a descriptlon of the several tracta or pareéis or land constltuting the I Special Assessment District of said drain, viz: w y. of s e U, sec. 36; e % of s e k, sec. ;r: s of w ".; of s w ,, sec. ;:ii: s '-4 of s e Ü of s w %,, sec. 30; e M s w '4, sec. :; s 'i ot s e '4, sec. 88; s v w '; of 11 w ;.,, sec 38; s ]2 of e 1. n e 'i, sec. 35; w ' s i" 1,, sec. 35; all in the Township of Superior. Township of Ypsilanti.- W :; n e !.i of sec. 2; e ',i of n e 54, sec. 2; w í.l of o w ' 1, sec 1 ; e 1 - of w H ol n w Jí, sec. 1; n e H of n w , ec. 1 : 1 e 'i of n w ü, sec. 1 ; e !-j of s w 4, sec. 1 : 14 acres Dortb of highway in e '. of 11 w i; s w i.t, sec. 1; 15 acres in w ; n w 3 w 1; e H of s w y. sec. 2; 24 acres soutb 01 highway and north of M. C. R. R 111 w : , w V Séc. 1: " ' , 11 'i, sec. 2; all in the Township of Ypsilanti Also (he Tov. nships of Ypsilanti and Su1 perior at large. Dated, tbis I9th day of May, A. 1). 1PS8. Daniel w. bakky. County Drain C'cmmissioner ol' ttieCcunty ol' I Washtenaw.


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