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Commissioner's Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waehtennw. The uudersigned having eeu appoitited by the Probate Court for said Cnvmty, Gommissioners to receive, examine aud adjust all claims and denmnds of all persona agaiust the estáte of Honora Burns, late of snid county, deceased, hereby give noiice that 8ix nionthsfrom date nre order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims agahistthe estáte of eaid deceased, aud that tbey will meet at the store of William H. Mclntjre, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on "the 2Öth day of June and on the 25th dny of September next, at ten o'clock a. m. ofeaeh of saiil d:iys, to receive, exnmine and ndjutt snid claims. Dated, Maren C5, 1896. WM. H. McINTYHE, JOHN KKESS, Commissionera Mortgage Sale, DEFAl'1r HAVING BBeN MABBINTH! conditloDs of a eertain niortgag-e bearInj; date the 4tb day of April. 1893, made by Charlea H. Lconard to Put riek Grojran and recorded in the offloe of the Register of Deeds of Washtenaw County, Michigan, n Liber82. of Mortfrattes on Page ;ii", on tho 7th day of April, ls.:. on which niortgiiKe there is claimcd to be tlue at the dato of thls notice the 6um of oiirhi hundred and fortynine dollars Mini Blxty cents and do suit or proceedingratlaw or in eiiiity bavlog been instltuted to recover the money aeoured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now, theret'ore, by virtue of the power oi s:ile, eont ameil in said niortirage and the statu te In Bttcb case provlded, notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the llth day of July. 18at, at 10 o'clock in the foivnoon, there wlll be sold at public auctlon tothe bigbeet bidder at the east front door of the court house, in the Oit,y of Ann Arbor, that belng the place of bolding the Circuit Court for saïd County. the premisos úescribed tn ail mortgage, or so muoh thereof as may be neceseary to pay the anioimt due on said mortgage and the expenses of thlsforei losure provlded for by law The premlses to be tíoid are de.scribed as foilows: The north-east qiiarter of the south-east quarterof section nlnelnthe townsblp of Northfleld, Washtenaw Oouoty, Mlch. Dated, April 10, 1890. PATEICK GROGAN. Thompsoh & 11 utHiMAx, iortgngee. Attornevs for Mortjragee. Notice to Creditors STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wrtshteuaw, as. Notice is hereby given, tnat by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 4th day of April. A. D 1S96, six montha from that d,te were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of Janus Clemente late of 3ud county, deceased, and that ail creditors of said deceased are required to, present their claims tosuid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in tbe city of Ann Arbor, for examination and üllowance, on or before the öth day of October next, and that such claims will beheard before said Court on the 6th day of July, uud on the óth day of October next at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each ofsaiddays. Dateo, Ann Arbor. April 4, A.D. 1898, J. WILL AUD IIABBITT,. JudüeofPiobate. In Chancery. STATE OF MICHIGAN, TVVENTV-SECOND Judicial Circuit, In Chanoery. Snit pending in the Circuit Court lor the Cotiuty of Washtenaw in Chancory. Alice G. Sherman, cODiphiinant, vs. Isaac E Sherman, deiendant. [n this oauee it appearinr tbatdtfendaut, Isaac E Sberman, is a non-resident of this state aod Isa resident of the State of Florida, tlie.'efore, on motlon of Thompson & 1 latiiinHii, solicitors for the is ordered, that defendant enter his appearance in said court on or bafore four montha from the date of tli's order, and that withiu twenty day 8 the eoniplüinant cause this order to be publisbed in the Ann Arbor ArgUs, said publi(-ation to be continued once in each week for six weeks in succession. Dated April 11, 1896. E. D, KINNE, Thompson & Hahriman. Circuit Judge. Solicitors for Complainant. Estáte of Morris M. Richmond. QTATE OF MICHIGAN. Coiinty of WashO tenaw, ss. At a sessiou of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Aun Arbor. on Monday, the llth day of May. in the year one thout and eight hutnlred and ninetysix. Present, ,1. Willard, Judse of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Morris M. Hichuioiid, deceased. On readlng and flllng the petltlon. duly verifled, of Andrew RloEmond, praying that admlnlstration of said estáte may bejfranted to John C. Mead or some other sultable person. Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the ili day of June next, at lü o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for the bearlng of eaid petltlon, and that ibe hwirs at law ut' said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estat", are reqnlred to appear at a session of said (duit. tben to be holden at the Probate Office, In thi' city of Aun Arbor, and show c:in any there be, why the prayer of the petltloner should not be uranted. And it is further ordered that said petltioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, oí the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by oanslng a copy of this order (o be publlehed in the Ann Arbor Arjrus. a newspaper prlnted and clrculated in said county, three auccessive weeks previous to said day of heanng. J. WILLAKÜ HAUUITT, [A true copy.] Judjfe of Probate William G. Doty. Probate Keeister. Notice to Creditors. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY oí Washteimw, ea. Kotice is bertby g-ien, that by an order of the Probate Court for the (Joun tv ol' Washtenaw, mude on tho S'th day of Ar ril A. D. 1896, eix moiiths trom that date were allowed for crédito:. to preseiit their cliiimï against the estáte of Milp Clark, late of aid countv, iloceayed, and thnt all creditors oí said deceased aie required to present tbeix olaims to said Probnte ('ourt, at the l'robatc Office in tbe city Of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowftnce, on or beiore the '-7tb day oi! Oetober next, und tlml siieïi claims will be heard beiore said court, on tbe 27tb day of July, and on the 27th day of October next, at ten o'clock in tne forenoon of each ofsaiddays. üuted. Ann Arbor, Aprilí'7, A. D.1S9C. . WILLARD ÜAUBÏTT, Jndaeot' Probate. All druffr?ïsts guarantee Dr. Miles' Padï Vills to stop Headache. "One cent a dose.'


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News