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Brave Old Pioneers

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Wednesday was Pioneer Day, aud the largest crowd of old settleis of this oounty that has ever met; at any meeting of the VVashtenaw Pioneer and Historical Society, was gathered in the Congregatioual ohnroh, Chelsea, whioh had beeu nicely decorated for the occasion. It was most distinctively a meeting of old people, tbere being but a very few of the younger generation present. The flrst settlers of this couuty are becoming fewer as the years roll by, but it saems that as the number decreuses the interest and pleasure in the meetings of the society and in the recounting of their experiences in early days is on the increase. It was reported at Wednesday 's meeting that 168 pioneers of VVashtenaw county had died during the past year, the average age of each being 12 3-5 years. Ifc was a most pleasant and enjoyable meeting thronghout, the oue incident that occurred to mar its perfect pleasure being the sudden death of Mrs. Sarah Barton, of Lyndon township, at the age of 74 years. Mrs. Barton had been snffering from heart trouble for a long time, but was feeling so much better and brighter Wednensday rnorniug that she deteriained to attend the oioneer meeting. Just before the afternoon sessiou began she became frightened at a lady going upstairs on crutches and was taken with a serions attack of the trouble aud feil to the floor. Kind hands lifted her up and gently carried her to th resideuce of L. Babcock, a couple of doors away where sbe expired iu about half an hour. The event was not generally kuown iu the meeting until just before its close, whea the expressiou of sorrow and sympathy at tuis sudden death in their very midst, was general aiuong the members of the society. The proceedings were opened by Rev. Thomas Hui in 3S, president of the sooiety, who calied the meetiug to order with a gavel which he said had a histoiy aud was made from wood that had a history for the use of the pioneer society. Eev. V. H. Walker, pastor of the Congregational church, offered prayer. President Holmes said it was usual to have an address of wlcome and a reply by the president of the society, but as both these duties woald this year devolve on him,he would dispense with the response. He said this was the most extraordinary meeting ever holri wifchin thfi walls of t.hA nhnrnh It had never been their privilege to receive süch an assemblage as this. It was the most honorable gathering ever assembled there. No class of people should be revered so much as the pioneers who had exercised such heioism iu their early life. He was glad to see that notv ithstanding the large nnmber that had fallen dnriug the year, so many were present at the meeting. "Yon are welüome today," he said, "aud I ain glad to be permitted once more to meet you and preside over this boáy. All the people of Chelsea weicome you." J. Q. A. Sessions, searetary of the society, then read the minutes of the last year's meeting and Treasurer Keeves, of Dexter, submitted his annual report showing a balance on hand of 122.34, both of which were adopted. Wni. H. Lay, of Yspilanti, neorologist of the society, then read his anmial report which showed the followiug statistics : Total riumber of deaths in 1895 6, 168; last year, 198; total number where ages were given 153 as against 186 last year; total years of age 1895, 11,064, last year 13,910; average age this year, 72 3-5 years, last year neariy r. .Kesidents of couuty Éor 60 years or more, 28 ; the oldest resident was Airs. Daniel B. Brown, of Auu Arbor, 70. Number aged 90 years aud apwards 5, last year 11 (the oldest Leing Mrs. Mary Hakes, of Webster, aged 98); 80 to"90, 40, last year, 42 ; 70 to 80, 50, last year, 64 ; 60 to 70, 29, laaf year, 36; nnder 60, 20, last year,31. Deaths by mouths - Jnue, 1895, lö;July, 7; August, 11; September, 8; Uutober, 20; November, 10; December, 8; Janunry, 1896, 15; February, 22; Marcb, 28; April, 11; May, 12. Deatbs by cities aud towus - Ann Arbor oity, 40; Ypsilanti oity, 84; Ypsilanti town, 3; Dexter, 6; Sylvau, 11; Salem, (j ; Manchester, 4; York, 7; Lodi, 6 ; Bridgewater, 2 ; Ann Arbor town, 2;Scio, 11; Superior, 8; Augusta, 7; Sbaron, 3; Saline 2; 'Northfield, 2 ; Lima, 2 ; Webster, 2 ; Freedom, not reported. A full list of the names will appear in next week's Argus. J. W. Wing, of Scio, gave a short biographical sketch of the late Philip Baoh, of Ann Arbor, in which he spoke of that gentleman's valne as a oitizen and what he had done for the public ' schools of Anu Arbor. M. T. Woodruff, of Ypsilanti, read a sketch of the life of his father, the late Hou, Charles Woodruff. A comuiittee to nomínate officers for the ensuing year was then appointed as f ollows : Isaac Terry, Webster ; D. L. Godfrey, Aun Arbor; Wm. H. Lay, Ypsilanti; J. W. Wing, Soio; R. C. Reeves, Dexter. Judge Harriman not being present to take oare of his topic "Iufluence of pioneer life on character, " the president made a few excellent remarks on the subject. Dinuer was here called and ampie justice was done to the substantial ) ner provided by the good ladies of Chelsea and vicinity. About 250 people were served. At 1 :30 o'clock the meeting was again nalled to order. Mrs. Watkins, of Manchester, read a poem on pioneer days and J. P. Wood, of Chelsea, read an interestiug p;iper on the early history of that tovvn. A male quartet theu gave an appropriate musical selection, and this was followed by the report of the nominating comruittee: President, Harrisou W. Bassett, Saline; secretary, J. Q. A. Sessions, of Anu Arbor ; treasurer, R. C. Reeves, Dexter ; necrologist, Wm. H. Lay, Ypsilanti ; vice presideuts - Daniel Hiscnck, Ana Arbor towii, Wm. Dansiugburg, Augusta, George Rawson, Bridgewater, W. D. Siuith, Dexter, E. A. Nordmau, Lima, H. M. Twombley, Lyndon, L. D. Watkins, Manchester, E. E. Lelaud, Northfield, Hemy Prestou, Pittsfleld, George S. Wheeler, Salem, Wm. H. Davenport, Saline, George A. Peters, Scio, W. S. Crafts, Sharon, Nelson, Fowler, Superior, C. H. Kempf, Sylvan, Isaac Terry, Webster, Johu W. Blakesley, York, Albert Graves, Ypsilanti town, Erastus Samson, Ypsilanti city ; executive committee - A.A. Wood, Lodi, S. R. Crittendeu, Pittsfleld, J. W. Wing, Soio, Henry Kempf, Chelsea, H. D. Piatt, Pittsfield. It was recommended that the meeting of the society next year be held in the village of Saline. The report was unaniruously adopted. A resoluitou was adopted that the neorologist be instruoted to iuclude in his report only the names of those who have been 40 years or more in this county aud who have died in the county, and the iiames of those who are members of the society. Mrs. Julia Stannard, of Dexter, on bebalf of her mother, Mrs. Samuel W. Dexter, presented the society with the saddlebags in which Judge Dexter, (59 years ago used to carry the mail between Aun Arbor and Dexter. The thauks of the society were uuauimously extended to the family for the iuteresting relie. Mrs M. A. Foster.of Sylvan, read an inteiesting account of the early settlemeut of Sylvan and the experiences and daugers eucountered among the wolves and Indians. J. W. Wing recited a poem on pioneer life and Wm. H. Lay read a poem writteu by Wra. Lambie, also obituaries and biographical sketches of Mrs. Sophia Cally and Mrs. Mary Hakes, of Duxter. The thanks of the society were by resolntion tendered to the trustees of the Congregational church, Chelsea, for its nse and totho citizens of Chelsea and vientiy. expecially to the ladies, for the exoellent dinuer provided. The meeting closed with the doxology.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News