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i -il Milán will celébrate July 4. , Wallaoe Darkee, of Milán, has built a new barn. Charles Cnrrierjwill build himself a house in Chelsea. The Chelsea high school graduates a class of 18 this year. W. H. Glenu, of North Lake, is building a new house. At least half a dozen new honses are being built in Chelsea. The Chelsea village rreasury oontained $599.46 Jnne 1. The Willis erearuery uses 4,500 pounds of milk daily. The Standard Oil Company will erect a large tank at Manchester. 'The annex to the Saline cemetery has been divided into 253 burial lots. A merry-go-round picked up the spare pennies in Milan last week. Mrs. Stone, of Milan, sprained an ankle last week by falling frora achair. A nnmber of Chelseaites have been disfigured by the smngmugging craze. Dan Hitchingham, of Augusta, has moved his saw mili to Salem township. The Saline council had a number of faced stones stolen during the past winter. The foundation for the new pump at the Ypsilanti water works, is about completed. ïhe Chelsea council has appropriated $300 towards buving a piano for the Chelsea town hall. M. A. Whitney, whuse term as superentendent of the Ypsilanti schools expires this montb, will take up the study of law. L. E. Houghton, for the past year telegraph operator at Dundee, has been transferred to Hamburg with an increase of salary. Two yonng lady bicycle riders collided in front of the Hawkins house, Ypsilanti, on Thursday evening of last week, througb not observing the law of the road "keep to the right. " One of thern was thrown violently to the ground and cut about the face. The question of the consolidation of ypsilanti Lodge, No. 128, F. & A. M., with Phoenix Lodge, No. 13, F. & A. M., came up in the business meeting of the f ormer Thursday evening and was defeated by four votes. In a question of consolidation it takes the unanimous coosent of all present to carry it ont. Ypsilanti will have a summer school this year. On MonJay, June 29, a five weeks' summer school will be opened at Cleary College. This Bchool will be for the benefit of teachers who may desire extra preparation in particular branches, and neorly all the subjects taught in au ordinary school will receive attention. The Ypsilanti high school has been placed on the diploma list for ad mission of papila to the university fur three years. For several years the ac ceptance was fot one year, then in 1894, for two years, and this year places the school aniong the very best in the state, as three years is the extieme limit ever granted to any school. Sidney Smith, an Ypsilanti draymau, punished his daughter Mary so severely one day last week that an eye witness preferred a complaint against him for assault and battery. He pleaded not guilty to the charge. Justice Childs was inclined to be lenient with him in order that he could earn money and was going to leave him in charge of the officer, provided no disturbance oocurred in the Smith home in which oase he was to be locked up. He was, however, just as inolined to be cranky to Hls Honor, and as a result the court flxed the bail at $100 or in default be oommitted to jail until the day of trial. He could not get the bail so he went to jail. The festival given Tbursday evening of last week by the snrpliced choir of Öt. Luke's chnroh, Ypsilanti, was a great success. The seating capaoity of the church was taxed to its utmost by the large crowd that attended. Master Witter Peabody, of Detroit, and Cyril Tyler, of Ypsilanti, were tbe attractions, but other numbers were rendered by Master Fred Ellis, soprano; Miss Abbie Owen. violin ; andFelixLamond, organ. Had it uot been for Rev. Gardaa's injanotion tn tbe andience not to appLiii i, it would have showed its appreciat m of the excellence of some of the mimbers in a very rlecided manner. At the close of the festival the choir boy.i w re taken to the parish house and regaled with ica oream aad cake furnishd by Mis. B. (joLdsieed. The Ypsilanti whist team carne out fourth iu the interstate whist league con test. The Clinton wooleu mili has purohased over 800,000 pounds of wool this year. Prof. Anstiu George has formally accep(e J the superinteudency of the YpBhanti schools. The Students' Christian Association building at Ypsilauti, will be built of Michigan hard head stones. 9 Prof. S. B. Laird, of Dowagiac, a Chelsea boy, bas been elected superintendent of the Lansing sohools. John Sack, of Adrián, and Miss Tillie Schwab, uf Freedooi, were married at the Freedoin church, June 2. There were 228 carriages in the funeral cortege which followed the remains of Eruma Moeckel, the murdered Waterloo girl, last week. Rev. Williarn H. Walker, of Chelsea, has accepted a cali to the Congregational ohurch in Ernporia, Kansas, and leaves in August to occupy a wider field. The Dentón baseball team playe d a game with the Cleary Business College nine at Ypsilanti, Saturday, and caine out victorious by a score of 12 to 5. William H. Barr, of Saline, and Miss Mande E. Congdon, of Chelsea, were married in the latter place on Wednesday of last week. They reside in a new house in Saline. At Manchester by Sunday's storm, orohards and trees wei'e tornup, several barns unroofed, fences blown down and smaller buildings overturned. A large new barn belongingto C. Schwab was struok by lightning and destroyed. A tsrrific wind and hail storm visited Putnam township Saturday between 3 and 4 o'clock the like of which bad not been kuown there for yearg. Hundreds of rods of fences are down, trees were torn out by tbeir roots and tho crops of corn and potatoes are leveled to the ground. The damage cannot be estimated as the downpour of rain washed away entire fields of all that was planted. The Saline High School won a game of ball from the Manchester High School last Saturday by the score of 18 to 4. The visitors were entirely outclassed. The Saline team was made upasfollows: Eber Reeves, '99; Will Barnard, '97; John Mitchell, '96; Prof. Austin; Fred Burkhart, '99; Fred Pieroe, '96; Bert Gillen, '98; Alpheus Schmidt, 8th grade; Harry Gillen, 8th grade. Rev. Fr. löoman, who bas been appointed by Bishop Foley to the pastorate of St. John's church, Ypsilanti,, vice Fr. Kennedy, transferred to Niles, preached a very strong sermón on "Unity" in that church last Sunday morniug. He surprised everybody present by his brilliancy as a pulpit speaker. It had been stated that the Owosso priest was one of the most learned in the state, but the people hardly expected such eloquence as was displayed Sunday. P. Elbert Perkins, a Detroit bicycle liveryman, had a hard chase to Ypsilanti, Saturday. On Friday aftarnoon a man and wife (presumably) carne into his store in Detroit and rented bicycles. They were not returned as soon as was expected and he started out to track them up. He found they were headed for Ypsilanti and came out there at the rate of 15 railes an hom on his wheel. He overtook them jast west of the city and demanded the bicycles which were given up and the couple allowed to depart. - Times. Clark Williams, son of Friend Williams, was drowued in School Lot Lake, one and one half miles west of Pinckney, Saturday at 11 o'clock. He was bathiag with his two younger brothers, and while fooling with a plank feil off into daep water about six rods from shore. Search was at once made for the body, but the water was so deep tbat the bottom oould not be reached and the divers had to give up. The young man was well known and was about 20 years old. The body was recovered Monday near where he went down. Would anyone wonder at a newspaper telling whoppers when a farmer relates to the editor for an item, that a farmer and his team at work iu a field near the road fence suddenly feit the ground giving way under their feet and in an instant they were carried under a barbed wire fence and landed in the highway without receiving a scratoh. We migltt add that an excavation had been made at the side of the road to secure gravel, and the farmer and team slid into it unharmed. It was Mr. Merriman's team. - Manchester Enterprise. The dangers of bioyole riding have had another illustration at Dexter as witness the following item from the Chelsea Standard: "Harry Ayer, of Detroit, took a leap yesterday at Dexter that he will not soon forget. He was on his wheel coming to Pinokney, and had to dodge a child, and in so doing carne violently in contact with tbe bridge, which smashed his wheel and threw him twenty-five feet into the Huron river. After being fished out his right leg was found to be brnised and lacerated from hip to knee. He now goes on one leg." George Hayes. a colored lad, aged 10 years, was run over by a street sprinkler driven by Frank Hayues, at Ypsilanti, on Friday last. The loam attached to the wagon ran away, as it had doue several times before, and the wagon weigbiug 3,300 pounds passid over the lower part of the boy's abdomen, i iflictiug iuternal injuries, wbich resulted fatally. The Business Men's Association of Ypsilanti promptly notified Mr. Haynes that he would not be allowed to drive the team any longer on the wagon and other horses wore put on to it. Hayes died Monday afternoon, 'general peritonitisjhaving pet in. The Saline senior class will invest 50 in rnosic, $20 in speakers, and f46 in iuvitations tor comiueucement. William H. Bird, a young Augusta mulatto with a penchaut for white girls, tried to take out a lioense to marry one iu Ann Arbor recently, bot was refused. Last week Tueaiay ttaey went to Obio, to endeavor to be mairied tliere. Bird two or tbree years ago inarried a yonng white girl but soon separated from her. A very foolish practical joke was played on au Ypsilanti young lady Sunday evening. A few of her friends thought it would be fun to flx up a ghost in her room to soare her with. Returning to her toom about dusk and opening the door, she caught sight of the object, aud with a screain she feil to the floor aud swooned. She became perfectly ligid and it was over an hour before she could be brought back to hei Senses. It seems that the young lady had xecently lost by death a twiu sister aud the apparition naturally had the effect that resnlted. Commencement week at Saline this year will olosely resernble college oommencement week. The program will be as follows: June 21, Eveniug - Baccalanreate Address, Rev. T. B. Leith. June 24, Evening - Class Day. June 25, Morning - Promotion exercises of grades, immediately followed by dedication of senior stone by the graduating class. June 25, Evening - Commencement Address, Hon. H. R. Pattengill. June 26, Evening - Alumni banquet. The olass numbers 14, rhis being the largest graduating class to leave the school. The original parts written and learned, and all are practicing hard for class day. The people of this commuuity were shocked last Saturday about noon to learn tbat Rev. John Shepard, pastor of the Baptist church, was dead. After delivering a very able and patriotic memorial address in the Baptist church, he retorned to the parsonage where he was strioken with apoplexy, and before his late audience had.dispersed from the church door his life labors were over and himself at rest. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church on Tuesday at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and were oonducted by Revs. Willis, of Fowlerville, (a personal friend of the deceased) and J. Ward Stone, of Milan. The church, which was appropiiately draped, was ülled to overflowing with the friends of the deceased, and many were unable to gain admission. The pall-bearers were Deacons J. R. Boyden, J D. Forsytbe and W. I. Webster of the Mooreville church, and H. L. Kelsey, Oscar Loveland and E. W. J. Delaforce of the York church. - Mooreville correspondent of Milan Leader.