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Local Brevities

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Graduation exercifes v?ill be held at the School of Music next Tnesday evening at 8 o'clock. Miss Emma E. Bower was yesterday re-elected Great Lady Eeoord Keeper of the L. O. T. M. by acclammation J. F, Scbnh has the contract for plunibing Prof. A. G. Hali's new house. It will contain an np to date bath room. The secoad annual field meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science is in seession at the Agricultural College in LaDsing today and tomorrow, The choral service at St. Andrew's chnrch last Sunday evening was the flnest that bas ever been given in that edifico and that is saying a good deal. LOST - Betweeu Dexter and Ann Arrbor, on Wednesday, June 10, a pocketbook containing 90 in bilis, finder return to C. A. Maynard, Ann Arbor, or E. French, Dexter, aüd receive reward. Moses Seabolt has made asnbstantial addition to the Young Men's Christian Association building fund by his gift of $100. The fnud now amounts to $350 and other like gifts would be appreciated by the boys. Bret Hart Brooks, a senior law student f rom Hart, Mich. , died Tuesday night of brain fever, aged 26 years. He had been sick but two days. The body was taken to his home yesterday for interinent. A special meeting of Aun Arbor Cbapter, No. 122, O. E. S., will be held naxt Wedesday even ing at Masonic Temple.for initiation. This will probably be the last meeting for iuitiatory work until next September. Eruest VanKleek, who $ lives Jwith bis paren ts at 9 S. Ingalls st., awoKe shortly aicer midnight Tnesday night and deteoted the strong odor of chloroform. The wouid-be burglar who had usfcd the drug escaped out of the house into the street before he could becaptnred. Burt j Robinson and Win. Simons were yesterday convicted in the United States oourt at Detroit for obtaining a registered letter from the Ann Arbór postoffloe belcnging to Miss Annie M. Glassiord, recently deceased, by means of a forged order. They were remanded for sentenoe. At the regular meeíing of Welch Post, No. 137, G. A. R. , an invitation was extended to the Post to attend a meeting to be held by the Young Men's Christian Association at their rooms, Sunday afternoon, July 5, at 2:45 o'clock. The invitation was aocepted. Good speakers have been secured for the occasion, and "Patriotism" will be the theme presented. A. S. Houghton.formerly choir master at St. Andrew's cliurch in this city, is eow perforruing similar duties for Bethesda parish, Saratoga, .N Y. The Daily Saratogian says of a recent service: "The musio was without exception the finest ever rendered in Bethesda church. The organist, A. S. Houghton, won golden praise yesterday for bis skill in the training of the choir." The last and crowning Fonrth of July picnio will be given by St. Patricks' parisb, Northfield. The military companies of Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Adrián will be present and au elegant program is being preparad by Rev. Father Goldrick. The Ann Arbor road will give excursión rates and run a special train. And this annual series of picnics will close in a blaze of glory.