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The University hospitals will be closed from Juiy 1 to September 15. .. The vtniversity anthorities are having a well bored on the campos in rear of the old power house. The University Masonic Olnb will occupy a club house next year, ba-ving rented No. 20 N. State st. for that purpose. "The Learning of the Ancients" will be the topic of the valedictory address in the M. E. church next Sunday evening. Ohildren's Day will be observed at the First Presoyterian church next Sunday morning. In the evening Rev. J. M. Gelston will give a question-box sermón. Asa result of the ba-eball match between the high school faoulty and senior class resulted in $45 being tuned into the athletic association treasury. Lieut. Watson, of Company C, Fifth Infantry, has been appointed regimental inspector of rifle practice for the coming state encampment of the national guard. The Ann Arbor road will open an office in Detroit, and has engaped J. E. Butler, formerly with the Michigan Central, as commercial ageut in the new office. , At a meeting tomorrow aftrboon át 3 o'cJock, in the hall over CalEins' drug store, the Loyal Temperance Legion will ruakfi arrangement for the work during the summer months, alp;; for a picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berryman were surprised by a number of their friends on Monday evening, it being the fifth anniversary of their wedding. A handsome bureau waspresented to them hv thoir nnexrjected sruests. The 22d annual convention of the Michigan W. C. T. ü. is in session at Marquette today and will continué until June 17. Mrs. Jennie Voorheis, Miss Emma E. Bower and Dr. Mary Wood-AUen are in attendauce from the VV. C. T. U. of this city. Among the other artistio things shown at the Ann Arbor Art Club exhibition was an acanthus in blossom. It was grown from a seed írom a plant which helonged to Randolph Bogers in his garden in Rome. It is said to be the only one in the United States. Funds for the Michigan cycloue sufferers vrill be received at the baiiks, at H. J. Brown's drug store, Sheehau & Co. 's buok store ou S. State st., and Johnson's grocery store on Forest ave. Clothing will be received at the uudertaking establishment of Oliver Martin, No. 17 S. Fourth ave. It is whispered on good authority that the members of the high school facalty and the school board are so enthusiástiq over their appearanoe on the baseball diamond, that they will challenge the university senate to a game, the prooeeds4 to go to the wóniau's building fuud. ' Aid. Arthnr Brown will build two inore small houses for renting purposes on E. University ave. Dr. Charles S. Maok has sold his house oq S. State st. to Mrs. J. T. Öwathel. The Snpreme Chief Ranger of the Independent Order of Forestcrs has reqnested all members of the order to observe nest Sunday, June 14, in an appropriate manner. Ann Arbor lodge of Elks and Goethe Commandery, U. F. of M., have each donated $10 to the cyclone sufferers in Oakland oounty. Arbor Hive, No. 113, L. O. T M., also donated $10 to the same purpose. Eleven coaches fllled with excursionists from this city and Ypsilanti took in the excursión to Detroit on Saturday. They arrived home in good season in tJie evening after speuding a very pleasant day. Jacob J. Dupper, wno was arrested on Thursday of last week for selling liqunr without having paid his tax or filed a bond, has made application for a licnse, giving as his sureties Lonis Kurtz and Fred Brown. Ann Arbor Commandery, No. 13, K. T., will observe St. John's day by services at St. Luke's church, Ypsilanti, on Sunday evening, June 28. Rev. Wm.iGardam, rector of the church, ■Will aeliver the annual sermnn. A state teachers' institute for the county of Washtenaw under the direction of the superintendent of public instruction, will be held in Ann Arbor, commencing Monday, Aug. 31. It will be conducted by Prof. E. L. Briggs. Dr. Flemming Carrow recently performed an operation to remove a cataract from the eye of Mr. Harding, of Jonesville, a gentleman aged 88 years. The operation bas been so far successful jthat Mr. Harding has recovered the use of one of his eyes and he is highly gratified thereat. Nature seems to have developed many peculiar subjects this year. The various diseases affectiug the wheat are remarkably strange, and many farmers say that a new insect is troubling the oorc, while the seed pods from the elm and maple are very large aud unusually abundant. The Ypsilantian says : "The season is so far advanced over the usual, that farmers' work will probably all be done by September, and they will have nothing to do but attend to politics. This is the oonclusion reacbed by the philosophical editor as to the final cause of the early spring." Clayton, Lambert & Co. 's bicycle race meet at Ypsilanti, loday and to morrow, will be one of the biggest things of its kind that has ever taken place outside of the grand circuit. There are in the neighborhood of 225 entries to the different events. The five mile handicap race alone has over 75 entries. Mrs. Samuel Krause and .daughf er, }f Grand Rapids, carne to Ann Arbor Saturday to atteud the Otto-Staebler wedding and visit rela'tives. ' On Moniay afternoon Mis. Krau'se recèived a telegram announciug tbat ber son had been run over by a street car, but that he was not seriously hurt. She left for home next inorning. The Ann Arbor papers say the big ohimney of the Hay & Todd Mfg. Co. 's branch factory in that city works all light. lts work is to "araw, " and as it is ornamented on each side witb a life size figure of the company's trade mark (a female ciad in "Ypsilanti" uoderwear) it is only natural itsdrawing powers are perfect. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Cards are out anuouDciug the wedding nèxt Wednesday eveniug of Mr. Charles Binder, jt. , and Miss Lydia K. Weitbrecht. The ceremony will take place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. Q. Weitbrecht, No. 1? Fonrth st., Eev. John Neumann officiating. Charlie has been a trnsted employee of this office for nnmber of years and the Argus wishes him and his future partner the best of happiness and prosperity. The Ann Arbor Ligbt Infantry has recèived a letter from Tecumseh which states that Co. C of that city has voted to go into camp with the first battalion the 4th and öth of Jolj, Capt. Kyles' resignation interfering with a positive statement for the present as to how many will go. Co. Q, of Ypsilanti, still has the matter under advisement, but tb e prospecta are good that the ijjiale first battalion will be visitors at whitrnore Lake, July 4. At the meeting of Golden Rule Lodge F. & A. M., on Thursday evenini? of last week. C. R. Elwood fceruity Lodge), Irwin J. Treman, J. B. Brooks and W. B. Mnrdock were raised to the degree of Master Masons. The work in the East was done by W. M.s Dodsley and C. B. Davison. Throughout the whole degree the work was excellent. About8:80, after the first section had been worked, lunoh was served and heartily enjoyed. The balanoe of the degree was then worked. This was followed by the regular meeting of the lodge at whioh time 12 petitions were acted npon favorably. . At the entertainment at high school hall this eveuiuR at 8 o'clock, "Found Out," a comedy will be given by the young ladies. "A Fairy Revel" by the children in costnme, and music by the High School Mandolín Club also form part of the program. Admission 10 cents. The cast of characters for "Found Out" is G-randma Stiles (an old Yankee woman) Miss Vincent ; Lenu Stiles (her granddaughter) Miss Bertha Christmauu ; Miss Taylor and Minoie Sprague (Lena's friends) Mrs. Bennett and Miss Mincks; Dinale (the colored cook) Mias Anderson ; Bridget O'Flaherty, Mrs. McNally. The oast for the "Fairy Revel" is: Queen, Miss Mabel Brpwn ; Sunshine, Little Milda Josenhans ; Fairy Leader, Miss Winnie Depue; and chorus of 25 children. Rain spoiled the Whitmore Lake excursión Saturday. Only about half the nutnber reqnired to pay expenses took the trip. Joseph Staebler, Jnhn Schmid and Walter C. Mack have over 100,000 ponnds oí wool stored in Mack & Co. 's wool honse on S. Second st. St. Andrew's church commenced its snmmer program of services on Sunday, and the evening service is now held at 6 :30 instead of 780 o'clock. Marshal Peterson broke the tendons of his right leg while getting onto a ütreet car last Friday evening. As a resnlt he has been limping around by the aid of a cañe since. The niembers of the K. O. T. M. and L. O. T. M, will attecd divine service in a body next Snnaay morning at Trinity Lutheran church. Rev. W. L. Tedrow will preach the sermón. Nest Snnday will be observed as Carpen ter and Joinpr's Day by tbe Y. M. C. A. "Whatkindof timber to use in building, " is the subject to be discussed by some of the prominent wood workers of the association. Those having olothing which they can dónate to the cyclone sufferers should send the same to O. M. Martin 's undertaking store, 17 S. Fourth ave., at once, as clothing is urgently needed by the poor people who lost all they had. At its meeting on Tuesday evening, Otseningo Lodge, No. 295, I. O. O. F.,initiated a class of eight candidates. This lodge has made a most satisfactory showing in the way of work during the past year, it having initiated over 40 new members. Wadhams, Ryan & Reule have broughfc snit against tbe Western Assurance Co., fox $2,000 damages caused by the flre of a few roonths ago, -which damaged tbeir stock so severely. The compauy is the only one which has not paid its portion of the loss then sustained. The People's Party of Washtenaw couuty will hold a mass oonvention at the oourt house on Saturday, June 20, at 2 p. m., to elect four delegates to the congressional convention to be held at Ann Arbor, July 4, 1896, also to elect delegates to tbe state nominating convention, the date of which ia not vet announced. Rev. L. P. Goldrick and the congregation of St. Patriok's church. Northfleld, will give oue of their now justly celebrated picnics at Whitmore Lake, on. Saturday, July 4. Fr. Goldrick says this will be his last picnic and that he will after this one retire from the pionic arena and give Anu Arbor a chance if sbe wants it. , Profs. Chas. H. (Jooley and H. C. Adaius and Rev. J. W. Bradshaw have been in atteudance at the charity conferece at Grand Rapids the first part of this week. Profs. Cooley and Adams read papers on the'ÍScientific study of social problems" and Rev. J. W. Bradshaw on "The treatment of tramps in small cities. " Miss Carrie W. Beardsley, of Clarkston, and Morris D. Larned, of Ann Arbor, wete married at the home of the bride, in Pontiac, on Wednesday evening. June 3, Rev. Wv S. Jerome offioiating. A large company of relatives and friends were present and the occasion was one of much pJeasure and interest. - Oakland County Post. As the date of the second reunión of the older Ann Arbor High School Association is fast approaching - the twenty-secoud instant - all who are eligible are invited to meet at N. W. Cheever's, 42 Madison st., Priday evening, June 12, to practice singing old school songs. All are eligible who attended the Arm Arbor high school between the years '56 and '76. At the meeting of the soldiers' relief oommission for Washtenaw county, held at the city treasurer's office last Friday afternoon, 14 claims amonuting to $53 were allowed. Three of these claims were to parttes living in Ann Arbor, seven in Ypsilanti, and one each in Soio, Superior, Manchester and York. The nest meeting of the oommission will be held July 2, at City Treasurer Many's ofïioe. Mr. Edwaid Aprill.of Scio, and Miss Emma Lindauer, of Freedom, were married at the home of the groom's parents, on Thnrpday of last week. Kev. Julius Klingmann porformed the marriage eeremony. Several residente of Ann Arbor attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Aprill will at once corumence housekeeping on the Sweetland farm in Lodi, fonr miles west of Ann Arbor. B. B. Johnson, general seoretary of the local Young Men's Christian Association, has i-eceived a letter from tbe assooiation at St. Louis, Mo. , stating that its work has been seriously crippled there by the recent cyclone, several of their buildings being either partially or wholly destroyed. and earnestly appealing for aid. A subsoription paper has been started, and anyone desiring to aid in this work of relief can do so by leaving whatever amount they feel able to give with the general secretary at the Young Men's Christian Associatiou rooms. Messrs. Sheeban & Sanderson, the brokers who opened an office here and afterward left the city betweeu two days with their basiness affairs badly mixed up, have been located in New Lebanon, New Hampshire, at tbe home of Sheehan's fafher. The chief of pólice received this iuformation from an officer living ín the neighborhood. Evaits & Co., of Detroit, were notifled that the men were found hut they deoided not to prosecnte and this is probably the last that will be heard of Messrs. Sheehan & Sanderson, so far as their Lansing deals are concerned. - Lansing State Eepublican. This firm oonducted a bucket shop over the Farmers & Meronants Bank in this city for a short time, but were driven out by tbe city marshal.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News