74 Will Graduate
The class day exercises of the '96 high school graduates held at high school hall, Wednesday afternoon, were largely attended aud very interesting. The hall was nearly filled witn people, mostly scholars and their friends, and it was appropriately decorated with the class colors, purple and yellow. Above the stage hung a bauner with the olass motto "Y gw-yr yu erbyu y bydd, " "Truth against the world," eniblazoned ou it, above the motto the figures '96. The rear end of the hall bore the junior class banner with " '9?. frorsum Sursnm" on it. Miss Charlotte H. Walker, president of the class, made au exoelleut presiding oöicer aod introduued each number of the program in a olear and distinct manner. The Chequamegou orchestra furnished the musio and it is ueedless to say tb at it was good. Mr. Voorheis' oration, "Tbe new womau," was a good one btrt giveu in a mechaDÍoal manner. Miss Durand's class posni would have been better appreciated had she been the possessor of a strouger voice. Fred M. Longnecker's essay "Shucks, " was delivered fi'om manuscript. It was well thought out and received considerable applause. Miss Florence G. Spence made the presentation of the class memorial - Prof. Perry's portrait - in a short but neat speech. The class song by Miss Christine M. Lilley,sung by the class, was a dainty bit of verse, which.is more thau could be said for the singing of it. The class history and class propheoy by Ralüh H. VanCleve aud Miss Barbara Burt, were the best nutubers 011 the program and were f uil of witty allusions to the professors and scholars. The exercises closed with the president's address - a series of well tnrned rernarks deUvered ia a clear, distinct voice - aud ruusic by the Ohequainegons. At the meeting of the school board held Wednesday evening, the high school faculty recommended the following names for graduation today.aud they were dnly accepted by the board. The class consists of 74 young ladies and gentlemen. Iu this list the home address is Anu Aröor, unless otherwise mentioned : Classical - Josephine Bowen, John W. Bradshaw, Barbara Burt, Winifred Bogle, James A. Campbell, Ypsilanti ; Helen M. Gelston, Roger S. Morris, Grace I. Swindler, Parthenia Sykes, Charlotte H. Walker, L. P. Ray Willoughby, Roscoe M. Wood, Saline; Matilda C. Woods, Rapid City, S. D. ; Florence K. Wetmore - 14. Latin course - Blanche Arnold, Greenville, O. ; Effa A. Armstrong, Chelsea ; Winifred Bogle, Vera Chamberlin, of Montpelier. O. ; Gertrude M. Chute, Oliver M. Davis, Howell ; Marión I. Durand, Margaret Jones, Fred H. Loud, Au Sable ; Louise AI. Lau, Chiimne M. Lilley, Lulu V. Lusby, Mary E. Middleton, Shabboua, 111. ; Nellie D. Mingay, Grace L.Moore, Sybil M. Pettee, Florence I. Spence, Grace I. Swindler, Ralph H.Van Cleve, Marquette, Wis. Charlotte H. Walker, L. P. Willoughby- 21. Engiieh course - Levi H. Ashley, Geo. E. Baldwin, St. Johns; Meta Alice Bancroft, Ira A. Campbell, Whitehall; Charles B. Davis, Pearl Jenney, Newberry; ThereBa B. Kearns, Mabel Marshall, Gaylord L. Hayes Russell, Hart; Royal K. Starkwfiather, Northville; Elizabetb Voorheis, Frankfort; H. Josecphine Herey, Lloyd Hamilton, Ashland, 111. ; Kate Voorheis, Frankfort; Roy Howard Whitten, Utica, N. Y. ; Alice B. Walker- 16. Scientific course - Emil H. Arnold, George E. Baldwin, St. Johns; Paul Cheever, Sarah Campbell, Ypsilanti ; Mary E. Cady, Louise C. Griswold, Henry C. Hitchcock, Victor E, Kurtz, Sidney J. Kidder, Terre Haute, Ind. ; Arthur S. Lyon, jr. , Scio; Thomas J. Marshall, Port Clinton, O. ; Gertrude P. Norris, Bertha AI. Palmer, Clara B. Phelps, Pontiac ; Burt C. Rice, Wirt I. Savery, Saline; John B. Taylor, Wheelersburg, Ü. ; Irving N. Voorheis, White Lake- 18. Engineering course - L. Spencer Nichols, Royal E. Starkweather Northviile- 2. Commercial conree - Ola J. Gates, Eugene Osenburg, William C. Miller -3. Last evening Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Perry entertained the class at their home on E. Washington st. , with a reception whioh was a very pleasant ocoasion for all ooncerned. Tüe program for this morning's exrcises was as follows: Music. Prayer. Music. 1. Keynotes, Winifred Bogle, Ann Arbor. 2. The Man of Oue Idea, James A. Campbell Ypsilanti. 3. Pietnres of Memory. Sarah Campbell, Yesllautl. 4. The Submerged Coutineut, Charlotte Walker, Anu Arbor. Music. 5. Xight BriiiRs Fort li Stars, Lulu V. Lusby Alm Arbor. 6. Border Héroes, Thomas J. Marshall, Port Clinton. O. 7. Igdrasy], Sybü M. Pettee Ana Arbor Musie. 8. The Newspaper- lts Evils, Vera Chamberlin, Montpelier, O. 9. The Newspaper- Ita Merlts, Irving N. Voorheis, White Lake. 10. Diplomas, Grace I. Swmdler, Ann Arbor. PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS. Mude. Beuediotlou.
Ann Arbor Argus
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