Graduated Its First Class
The first gradnation exercises of the Unversity School of Music were held iu Frieze Memorial hall Tuesday eveuing and niue diplomas were granted as follows: Alta May Beach, of Ann Arbor, contralto ; Emma Maria Fischer, of Ann Arbor, pianist; Edith May Kelley, of Cadillac, piauist; Johu Ja sper MoLellan, jr., o" Utah, pianist: Louise McGrev. oí E unas City, piauist; Vesta 31 Hd, o! Auu Arbor, piaaist; Lleweliv j L. Reuvviok, of Emory, organist; Emmie Corraliu White, of New Haven, Conn., pianist; Eugene Cyrus Woodruff, of Ludington, organist. The exercises were opened with organ voluntary by Prof. StaDloy, which was followed by opening remarks by Prof. F.fA. Kelsey, president of the socity, iu which he briefly detailed the history aud condition of the school and its position among the schools of the country. He spoke of the outlook for the future aud paid his coiuplimeuts to the school'8 indomitable director, Prof. Stanley. President Angelí and EvartH. Scott, chairman of the city school board made short addresses upon the musical interests of the nniversiity and high school. Tbe principal address was inade by Prof. A. A. Stanley. It was a fine speech full of good advice and friendly counsel. At its conclusión he presented the graduates with their diplomas, after wbich the whole audience joined in singing thedoxology.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News