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High School Alumni Reunion

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The older alumni and teachers of the Ann Arbor High School, between the years of 1856 aud 187(5, will hold their second triennial reunión and baoquet next Monday, June 22, at 4 p. ru., in the parlors of the Presbyterian churoh This reunión wil! comrnemorate the 40th anuiversary of the organization of the High School and as Dr. Angell's silver jubilee occurs the satne week, the committee of ladies haviug the reuniou in charge expect a large attendance. All foruaer pupils of the high school, whether graduates or not, are iuvited to attend whether they receive a formal iuvitation or not, as it is difficult for the committee to ascertain their addresses. The president of the association is Mrs. Lncy Stowe Parker; secretarles, Miss Eliza Ladd and Miss Noble. Judge Aaron V. MoAlvay, of Mauistee, will be toastmaster and speeches will be made by Judge C. B. Grant, Regent Cooker, Supt. Perry, Prof. Lawton, I. K. Pond, Mrs. Conover Hamilton, Mrs. Mclntyre, Mrs. Wettnore, and all the old time boys and girls will be expeoted to respond to roll cali, sing old songs and give an acoonnt of themselves.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News