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Theie isn't a dog in Manchester, that will shake hands with Blosser of the Enterprise, or recognize bim ou the streets with a bow-wow, even, since the following cnrsory observation in the Enterprise : ' 'There is a growing sentiment among our citizens that about nine out of ten of the dogs in this town can be spared, yea - that they ought to die, and if they wont die, they should be killed." When you find a towu or city in which the citizens hang together and help each other, instead of trying to pull each other down, then you fiad a prosperous town. - Manchester Enterprise. Um ! We're agin it neighbor, so far as Manchester is concerned, nntil after one more election. We want to give that place one more show before we see the citizens hang together, besides, it makes most too quiet a place. If Manchester goes republican this fall, we wouldn't mind how "prosperous" it became, after Bloss and the other democrats had time to move over into Freedorn. Prof. Stanley, the director of music in the U. of M., woald like to spend nis vacation in ADn Arbor, but he wants the city to "come down with the dust. " He allows that the lack of enferprise, that fails to provide for street sprinkling, preven ts a great many eminent men from coming there to spend vacation where theyget the absolute quiet of a graveyard inaotivity during the summer months. But they dread Aun Arbor dust. It obscures the quiet, and chokes out all enjoyment, and stops up the windpipes of all music. What Atheus uow needs, is a street sprinkler, and now that Prof. Stanley has started out to secure it, we can only exclaim with that other great enthusiast, "On Stanley, on!"


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News