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Michigan Central Excursion Rates

Michigan Central Excursion Rates image
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Democratie National Conveution, Chicago, July 7. - Eate of one fare for the round trip. Date of sale, July 3, 4. 5 and 6. Return limited July 12. Christian Endeavor Meeting, Washington, D. O.., July 7-13. - One first class limited rate for the round trip. Date of sale, July 4, 5, (i and 7. Return liinited July 15. Extensión of return liinited to July 31 can be obtained by depositing tickets with joint agent at Washington. National Eduoation Association, Buffalo, N. Y., July 7-11 inclusive. - One rate for round trip plus $2 for menibership fee. Date of sale, July 5 and 6. Return limited July 12. Extensión of limit until Sept. 1 eau be obtained by depositing ticket with joint agent on or bef ore July 10, 1S96. Camp meeting, Eaton Rapids, July 22 to Aug. 3. - Oue fare for round trip. Date of sale, July 21 to August J inclusive. Return limited, Aug. 4, 1896. Bay View Camp Meeting, July 7 to AufJ. 14. - One fare for the ronnd trip. Date of sale, July 6 to 16 inclusive. Limited to return Aug. 16, 1896. Epworth League Training Assem bly, Ludington, July 14 to Aug. 2, 1896. One fare for round trip. Date of sale, July 13 to 25 inclusive. Limited to return Aug. 15, 1896.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News