Guilty Or Not Guilty
Í DISÈASED MEN CURED g 5 TUflIlCS WDC oí "nS middle nffl Tien and oíd men can look back at S ilUUij"l'l''u their boyho"d days or oany manliood with a siín of remorse. M S The ignorance of early youth, or later on a misspent lito 8B "one of the boye" has sown ■■ Di theericfJsíorfninreHutforinp. SELF ABUSE i? a terrible sin asniuei natare and gj will bring a rich hurveer. Blonci and PrivuU Oí enses8npthe very lile and vitality I oL ihe victim. (Jar NÍW ME f KOJJ TKEA i MEM wiü poaitively cure all the follovv# O ing disoase6: 89 VARiCOCELE, EMISS1ONS, NERVOUS DEB1LITY, g SYPHIL1S, STRICTURE, G EET, SEMINAL WEAK ñ MESS, PIMPLES, LO T MAISIKOOD, UMNATURAL Ki & DISCHARGES, K1DNEY AND BLADDER Dl EASES. &' KM i A8C Yfiil 9 -NEIiVOUSanddespondenti weak or debilitatod: tired mnrnngs; no ■ ■■ ML IUU ■ aml)itionUfele89; memory poor; easily fdtigued; excitable and irri■ jft table; eyes sunken, red and blarred; pimples on face; dreams and uigíit losses; reetVk IV Ipbs; haKRard looking; wak back, bone pains; hair lix.fe; nJcers; Boie throat; varicoiS Q cele; dGj)O.-it ia uriñe anrl draina at stoo); distruRifnl; waut of confidence; lack of T% jíf energy and atrength-WH CAN CURE YOU OR ASK NO PAY. S CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY- CONFiDENTIAL S (CfclRTfUCn rDflSfl TUE PullC A Warnni: from th Living. "At E# oilAlbntU rnUlll Int UnAVt:. ÍS I leame.1 a bad Labit. Tnedfour H i doctors and nerve tonics by the score -b itliout benefit; emis.sionR aud . rains increased. y I bename a nervoas wreck. A friend who had ben cured by Drs. Kennetiy & Kergan Q (of a similar d'seaee, adviserl me to try them. I di'! so and in two monthá was posiiive# lycared. This wa eiglit, yeare ago. 1 am now married and have two healthy childJ] bjj ren."- C. W. LEiVItí, ag.naw, J r WADinnPCI C ífiQí-fl "Varicocele made life miserable. I was weak and U InnluUwtLL bUnCUi nervous, ejes BunRen, bat-hful ins-ioiety, hair thin, f IB no ambition. The 'Golden Monitor' opened my eyes. The New Method Treatment oí p Bf Urs. Kennedy and Eergan cored me in a few weeks.- I. L. PETlüiSON, louia, tí? CMICCinklO PÜDCn J. P. EMEIWON rolateBhi-íexperience. "I lived on O (3 LlllloolUnO LUnLUi afarm. At school I learned an early habit. which 0 j weakened me physically. sexnally anci mental!;. Family doctors said 1 was going # into 'decline' (constimption.) Finally 'Tbe Golden Monitor,' editad by Drs. Kennedy Hl &iíergan, fell iutomy hands. 1 learnedthe TRÜTH and the CADÖE. ííelf-abuse Bj liad sapped my vitality. 1 took tte New -Mettiod Treatmeut aid was cared. My q lly friends think 1 was curod of cousrjniprion. I liave sene them many patienrp, all of flf IJJ whom were Their New Method 'I'reutmenc suppiies vigor, viuiiity and JJ JK manliood. " W CVDUIIIC PIlQiCn "Thisterribleblooddiseaap-waemniysystein for eight " üm UII 1 1 LIO üUMLu' years. Had takrn mercury for two yeais, but the disease _ i returned. Eyes red, pimples and blotches on the skin, nlrers in the month and on HS íi tongne, bone paina, íaihng out of hair, weakness, etc. My brother, who had been I " cured of üleet íind Stri'ture by Drn. Kennedy and Kergan, recommended them. RThey cured me in a Eew weke, and i thank tíod 1 consaitod them. No return of the D d. soase in six ye :rs."- W, P. M., Jackson. jj 7 YEAhS iN DETROIT, 200,000 CURtD. NO RISK. (DpApipDI Areyou a victim.-' Haíe you lont hope? Are yon contemplating tg n trtUCn. marriage? Has your biood been diseased? Have yóu any weakness? t Ünr New Method Treatment wil! cure you. What it has done for others it will do for q f yon. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has trtated you. write for an honest ÍJ' (' opinión Vee of Charge. Ohargea reasonable. BOOKS FREE.- "The Uolden Monitor" ! (iíiustrated), on Dibeases of Men.lnclose postóge, 2 cents, tíealec!. K gf-NO NAMtS USEO WITHOUT Wfil ITEN CONSENT. PRIü ■ VATE. No medí'. Inesent C, O. D. No ñames on boxes or envelg Jopes, bveryttilng confldential. Question list and cost of n Treatment FREE. W 1 DRS.KENNEDY & KERGAN, Krcií.! Kaas ttssËimaÜBkn &L::!siagsi aañisiátnf M R S R S
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