A large number from here attended the meeting of the Webster Farmers' Club, held last Friday. Jay Eaaton was at Saginaw last week attending the Maocabee couvention. Rev. H. A. ilcConnell will preach to the Odd Fellows nest Sunday. A nurnber of young people from this vicinitv attended the June Festival at Ann Arbor last Friday evening. All were pleased with the entertainment, but especially with the excellent acting of Miss Lizzie Fitchel, who was one the teachers in the high school during the past year. The senior class of the high sobool served ice cream last Saturday afternoon and evening netting a neat suin thereby. Children's Day was observed in the Methodist church bere on Snnday last. A large audience was present to enjoy ths program, which included singing, recitations by the cbildren and talks by some of the older folks. The churoh was beautifully decorated for the occasion.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News