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Mrs. Harvey S. Day has been very sick with neuralgia of the tstomacb. She was attended by Dr. Root, and is gainiug slowly. Mrs. Jane McCarty and dangbter, Mrs. Willard Warner, are not at home in Willis. They have moved to Milao. They will find welcome" whenever they visit their many Angusta friends. Missionary work should begin at home. Husbaads shoald learn to kiss their wives and not the girls. Don't foretet there will be an entertainment given on the evening of the 26th of this nioutb. It will pay you to come and bring some one with yon, for the fes is only 15 cents. At the M. E. ohurch, Willis. Come and help. Fred Finch has bonght the Albert Ketohison farm. Mrs. Leinuel Allen, of the Towusbip of Ypsilanti, bas at this writing 290 spring chickens. Tbis fall look out for evening calis. R. F. Ainsle has been on the list with the sick ones. The heat from the snn while shingling on G. N. Hammond's barn didnot improvehishealth. Will Swayze is able to be at work considerably this spring. A strawberry sooial was given at J. B. Lord 's last Tbnrsday evening for the Friends' church. Although not financially a snccess it was very enjoyable.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News