Walter C. Mack and Mr. Sfcabler, of Ann Arbor, were in town Tuesday on business. C. W. Case was in Tecumseh on business last Thnrsday. Martha Layer, who is working in Jackson, spent Sunday with her paren ts. Mr. Zang, of Hillsdale, is visiting at Geo. Nisle's. Miss Marie Kirchhofer attended the graduation exercises at Clinton last Thursday evening. Mrs. A. F. Freernan went to Ypsilanti, Tnesday evening to atfcend a recital at the oonservatoiy. Wm. Kirchgessner was in Clinton Thursday on business. Mrs. James Kelly, who has been visicing friends in Detroit the past two weeks, has returned home. Mrs. Goodell spent Monday with Clinton friends. Mr. Hauser went to Saline Tuesday on business. Mrs. Fred Kurfess has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Braun, in Jackson. Miss Catherine Hogan, of Clinton, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Amspoker over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rauschenberger and family spent Suuday wdth friends in Scio. A nnmber of the young people went to Cbelsea Thursday eveuing to attand the commencement exercises. Mrs. Dr. Conklin was in Clinton a few days visiing her sister, Mrs. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Embler, of Brooklyn, were the guests of Mrs. C. Lehn, Sunday. Clarence Taylor, of the U. of M., was in town a few days visiting I friends, leaving Friday for his home in Duluth, Minn. Mrs. Denisou has gone to Grand Rápida to remain u short time with her sister, Mrs. Amsden. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Robinson, who have been visiting their sou, Barret ín New York City the past two weeks, have retnrned home. Mrs. Rundell and Miss Ronse have been visiting Teoumseh friends. The Misses Dora Sauer and Kate Braun, who are eruployed at Jackson, are home on a vaoation. Brnest and Johannes Wurster rode out from Anu Arbor on their whesls I Snnday to visit frieuds. Albert W. Dorr, a gradúate of the Hillsdale Cnllege '96, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Waite last Sunday. The commencement exercises of the high school take place in Arbeiter hall next Thursday eveniug, the class onmbers seven, four ladies and three gentlemen. The Children's Day exeroises at the M. E. churoh last üuuday evening, were goud aud largely attended. A number of young people from Ann Arbor and Jackson carne here to attaud the third anniversary of the Christian Eudeavor, last Suuday. Great preparations are being made to have a great celebration on the Fourth of July. The United Friends of Michigan give an ice cieam social at their hall Thursday evening. Prof. Essery very pleasantly entertained the senior class and teachers at his home Wednesday eveoing. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. chnrch met with Mrs. Stark, Wednesday afternoon. Manchester Tent of Maccabees deoorated the graves of their deceased members in Oak Grove cemetery Sunday afternoon. There will be no services at Emanuel church next Sunday forenoon, Rev. Geo. Schoettle goes to Owosso, Micb. to preaoh. Rev. Clarence E. Allen, of Wyandotte, wili address the senior class at Emanuel church nextJSunday evening. The pupils of the school are preparing for tüe promotion exercises to be held at the central building next Thureday forenoon. Last Thursday, Albert Spcnoer reoeived a telegram from Grand Rapids announcing the death of his brothrerin-law, A. G. Amsden, superintendent of the Kalamazoo división of the Lake Shore. Saturday the remains companied by bis wife, childreu and frieads arrived, and Snuday afternoon the funeral was held at the home of Mr. Spencer. A special train from Grand Rapids and one from Cleveland, O., arrived at about 2 :30 p. in. , bringing the railroad officials and employees, about 660 in all, the floral offerings were many and beautiful, showing the high estiniation in wbich Mr. Amsden wai held by his men. Among thöse who atteDded the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Kotts, Mrs. Miller and Bert Conklin, of Toledo; Wm. Kirchgessner, Benj. Leavenworth, Mr. and Mrs. Hewett, of Gr,and Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon, of Three Rivers.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News