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Do You Travel ? If so, never start 011 a journey without a bottle of Foley's Colic and Öiarrhcea Cure, a sure preventive of bowel eornplaints occasioneel by eliange of water or climate. 25c. A. E. Mummery, drugafist, Aun Arbor. No morphlne o; opium in Dr. Miles' Paih OilJüS. üdkE All Pain. "Out cent a dose." No Gripe Wlien you take Hood's Pilis. The big, old-fashioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not in it with Hood's. Easy to take and easy to opérate, is true of Hood's Pilis, which are I ? I upto date in every respect. W I I Safe, certain and sure. All ■ Bil druggists. 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsapanlla. jáBT DELICIOUS L M DESSERTS a S9 wa can be made f rom W Minee Meat.H Wk Plum Pudding, Minee Pie, jg Fruit Cake. aBIBBi Reeipe on every package. Toar Jm BJf Bf grocer sell ít. . .' By V ■ MERRELL-SOULE CO., H gf O Syracuse, N.Y. Hr ATTENTION - Farijiers Special oiïer for a short time only for cash. JIWMU 'WS-ttt. Advance Iron PrSowers, $30 Advance Hay Tedders, $20 Advance Hay Rakes, $10 And other lines of farming implements at corresponding prices for cash. Ai)i) Arbor Agricultura) Co.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News