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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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KEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, M;iy 7, 189ö. RESOURCES. LTABIUTIBS. Loans and Diseounts, 8491,144 4R „„_..„. . ,, , .„ „,. „„ Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages. etc Í961U4 54 P11"1 8ftoi PttI(' in Vn'ÏS Overdrafts 1.093 09 Surplus tuurt loO.UOO 00 o.„iHnI, Hmïi" n'vm nn Undividotl ivrofHR lesscurrentexpenOther Real Estáte 16,271 12 DJraiendsnnpmd..... ii oo Duefrom banks in reserve' eities ...139,05 73 DKPOSIT3. Due from other banks and bankers.. 165 t7 Commercial depobiu, subject to Checks and cash items 757 OS check . JsSni2 91 Nickelsand l'eunics. 33122 8avlnre Deposita '. '.' 72' 743 84 Goldcoin, ,3;.tkiU0 SavinKs Cerflflcatoo of Deposit 112.4Ü8 69 Sllver coln,. 1,800 00 Duo to Banks and liankers 0,748 07 ü. S. and National Bank Notes, 40,505 00 ll,24fl,775 45 Í1,2J,775 45 STATE OF MICHIGAN, I County of Washtenaw. f88 I, Charles E. Hiscock, easbier of the ahore namert t'snk, do soiemnly swear that the above statement is trueto the best of my knowlndge and -loí Cuas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. llih day 01 Muy, ISdii. J. Fkitz, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Christian Maci, W. D. Harriman. L. Gruner, Directora. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000 Resources, $1,000,000. Transacts a general banking business-, buys and sella exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago; sells drafts on all the principal cities of Enrope. This bank, already having a large business, inviten nierchants and others to open accounts with them with the assnraocc of the roost liberal dealing consistent with safe banking. In the Savings Depaitment interest at the rate f fout percent, is paid semi-annually, ou the ürst days oí Jamiary and July, on ail suns that weredeposited three months previous to those days, tlms afforditig the people of thiscity and county a perfectly safe depository for their funds, together with a return in interest for the same. Money to loan on ai)iroved securities. Directors.- Christian Mack, Daniel fiisrock, Willard B. Smith, W. D-.Harrimon, Williain Deubel, David Kinsey, L Gruner. Officbrs. - Christian Mack, President: VV. D. Harriman, Arice-pvesident Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier M. J. Fritz Abs'i-Casliier.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News