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Argus Weddings

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The press room of the Argus office has been in a demoralized condition the past week and it has been all brought abont by the preconceived determination of the pressman and his assistant to enter into Hymen's bonds On Tuesday evening at the future home of the contracting parties, No. 13 Detroit st, in the pvesence of a few immediate friends and ralatives, Mr. Fred D. Coats was married to Miss Dora E. Schleicher. Rev. T. W. Young perforined the marriage ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Coats were remeinbered by their friends w.ith soine nice, useful presents. On Wednesday evening at 7:15 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, 17 W. Fourth st., by the Rev. John Neumann, Mr. Charles Binder, r., and Miss Lydia K. Weitbreoht were nnited in marriage. A large number of relatives and friends had gathered to witness the ceretnony and wish success to the bride and groom. The bride was attended by Miss Emma Kemper and was attired in a white organdie gown and carried a bonqnet of bridal roses. Miss Kemper's dress was of white muil. The best man was Mr. Robert G winner. Miss Eliza Arinn'uster played a wedding march as the iridal party took up their position in he front parlor. After the wedding ceremouy had been perfonned an elegant and bonmiful repast was served which was tbroughly eujoyed by all. The balance of the evening was spent n listening to serenades by Becktr's Military Band, the Lyra Maennerohor and Will Cooper and the Jones brothers (the harmonica trio) interspersed with conversation aud piano rnusio. The wedding presenta were numerons, haudsome and useful. So rnany chairs were presented tbein thatMr. aud Mrs. Binder will have no occasion to buy a parlor snit. They have gone to honsekeeping at No., W. Liberty st. To both these newly weded conples the Argus extends its best wishes for bealth, happiness and prosperity.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News