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Three More Divorces

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Willis H. Dakin, of this city, has flled a petition for divorce from his wife, Dr. Nora JM. Dakin, to whom he was ïnarned Sept. 14. 1879, at JVIason, by Rev. Mr. McLaren. The couple have twochildren, a girl and a boy, aged respectively 15 and 11 years. He applies for the divorce on the ground of extreme cruelty on the part of the defendant. In his bill the complainant sets forth that he flrst carne to Aun Arbor for the purpose of allowing his wife to gradúate ín medioine at the U. of M., which she did in 1893. He also shows that he espended large sums of money for that purpose whioh he obtained by selling his property and working at his trade After she graduated they moved back to Dannville, tbeir former home, where Mrs. Dakin practiced her profession and becarne infatuated with a married man named Edward Walker. There Mrs. Dakin and Walker at various time? acted in such an improper manner together as to become objects of public gossip and scandal. In June of last year all parties concerned moved to Ann Arbor and lived in the same house together until Feb. 1T, 1896, the conduct of Mrs. Dakin and Walker at all times causing scaudalous gossip among the neighbors. On that date while Walker and Mrs. Dakin were abaent in Dannville the complainant moved hishousehold goods from the house they then occnpied to one on Fourtb ave. When Mrs. Dakin carne back and found this out she immediately left the house in company with Walker and bas not since been back and is now in the west soinewhere with him. Mr. Dakin also asks to have the care, custody and education of bis son Earl Dakin. Wm, E. Miller, of Ann Arbor, has appÜ6d to the circuit court for a divorce from his wife, Mary Miller, on the ground of adultery with one Charles Thompson. The couple have been married slx years and have two children, both girls, whom the complainant asks to have the custody of. Mrs. Miller's maiden name was Mary Orawford. Mrs. Essie Miller, of Ann Arbor town, has filed a bill for divoroe from her husband, David Milleí, on the ground of cruelty towards her, neglect and drunkenness. The couple have beeu married four years and have one child seven months old, of which she desires the custody.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News