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Sealed Proposals for Sewers, William Street District. Office of the Board of Public Wnrks Ann Arbor,June 8th, 1SÖ6. The Board of Public Works of the City of Ann Arbor will receive at the office of the City ClerK of said City until 12 a. m., of July lst, 1896, sealed proposnls for furnishing all materials and performing all work required for the construction of about four (4) miles of pipe sewer in lateral sewer district No. 5, the approximate amounts are as follows: 767 ft. of ten (10) inch pipe sewer. 8680 " " eight (8) " 8118 " " four (4") " 4.5 tons of iron pipe laid in place. 3000 lined ft. excavations 12 ft.deep. 186000 " " " 9 " " 37 manholes, 35 lampholes, 14 flushtanks. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or to accept the proposal deerued best to the city's interest. Eaoh bid must be accompanied with cash or a certified check for $500.00, drawn payable to Glen V. Mills, City Clerk, as liquidated damages conditioned that the païty ïnakiug the bid will execnte the contract. Plans, proíiles, specifications, etc., are on file in the Eugineer's office. GLEN V. MILLS, City Clerk. GEORGE. H. KEY, Eugineer. Notice to Fruit Growers. John Allmand isageot forthe Dexter Basket yactory. Please place your orders with him early for berry baskets, grape baskets and other snpplies needed. L. C. PALMER, MATTIE I. PALMER. Wanted. Four good waitresses at "The Burdick House," Kalamazoo, Mich.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News