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1 1 mu k co. 20 MAIN ST. Lucky Friday It s this time and not "Unlucky," for on that day we begin our CLEARING SALE. -OF- Spring and f% Summer w Goods. On that day, Friday, June i2th, and for eight days more you can buy of us at August Prices. Spring and Summer Wash Goods, Silks, Dress Goods, Shirt Waists, Wrappers, etc., etc. Wash Silks at 18c. Swivel Silks at 18c. Shirt Waists at 39c. índigo Prints at 4c. Ginghams at 5c. And a host of other good things equally cheap. i. f. mu i co. 20 8. Main Street CLOAKS, I I { I I i ! TD ( i i ir you want the very latest in j ii : ( Milliijeri) j You can get it of us. i i We are receiving as fast as ] ] manufactured, all the new ] shapes in hats; also nice unes 1 of flowers, trimmings, sailors, ; Respectfully, i Mr. Mrs. I i Mik i Pratt Block, 62 South Main St. EOAL OKDER YOIiRCOAL OF lnL. STAJ3BLEE. Office: 11 W . Washington st.. 'Phone No. 8 Yahds: M. C. R. K., 'Phone No. 51. ' MWant Money? or a Home? Wan Work? or a Farm? Want to open a store in a growing town? Want ____ to raise live stock? Want to know how to buy improved farms in a VOII well settled resrion without paying caah? Particulars and publications sent free by F. I. WHIT - - - NEY, St. Paul, Minn.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News