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Are You Going Anywheie? One of the neatest and most attractive publications in which summsr tourists would have an interest, is entitled "A Snmmer Note Book, " and is pnblished by the Michigan Central Railroad Co. for the benefit of the public. All of the summer resorts both in Michigan, Canada, New York, Vermont, and the New England states are uriefly described and artistically illustrated. Some of the illustrations are extreiuely attractive and give a longing desire to see the cool, shady and beautiful places represented. One is taken to all the Sanitarium cities and towns of Michiagn reached by that railroad, together witb tbe famons Island Ronte from Cheboygan to Petoskey, to the Les Cbenanx Islands, Mackinac. Sault Ste Marie, Top-in-a-bee, etc. There is a delightful little landscape of tbe famous Huron river, that, hniries by our fair city, bnt Ann Arbor has no place in the book, and has to be content by having TTpsilanti given that protninence - all because of the ill-smelling mineral wells ■which our eastern snbuib glories over. The book is one that every person ■vrho is thinking abnut taking a vacaion, shonld have. Cali on the Michigan Central station agent, H. W. HAYES, Ann Arbor. All druggists guarantee Dr. Miles' Pain Pills to stop Headache. "One cent a dose." nfe Walk through an oíd dense forest and you see nothing but trees, and in spring a host of things will shoot from the ground. These did not appear before because every thing was not favorable for their growth. Scott 's Emulsión of Codliver Oil, with Hypophosphites, prevenís consumption because it keeps the system in such good condition that things are not favorable for the growth of the germs of that disease. Cod-liver oil makes rich blood; and the hypophosphites strengthen nerves. SCOTTS EMULSIÓN has been endoríed by the medical profesflon fortwenty years. ( Ask your doctor.) Thit is because ft Is alway nalatable- alway uniform alway contain th purest Norwcglan Cod-llver OU and Hypopkcwphltcj. Put up In 50 cent and $1.00 lies. Th -all lx may ba cnough to cure your MU or hlp your baby.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News