Your Boy Wont Live a Month. So Mv. Gilman Brown, of 34 Mili St., Soutli Garrtner, Mass., was tokl by the doctors. I-I is sou liad Lurg trouble, t'ollowing Tj'phoid Malaria, and he spent three hundred and seventy-five dollars with doctors, who flnally gave him np, saying: "Your boy wont live a month." He tried Dr. King's New Discovëry, and a few botlles restored him toliealth and enabled him togoto work a perrectly we 11 man. Hesays he owes his present good bealth to use of Dr. King"s New Discovëry, and knows it to be the best in the world f'or Lung trouble. Trial bottles Free at at Eberbach Drug and Gtiemical Co.. Ann Arbor, and Geo. J. Haussler, of Manchester. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria.
Ann Arbor Argus
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