"CROSS-EXAMINATION Could Not Weaken Such Testimoiij As Thig. CFVom the Kalamazoo Telegraph.) The followiug statement is oue of ;reut interest to many a citizen of Kalamazoo, and a man as well known as Mr. Walhicè should carry more than ordinary weight with our readers. Here it is as taken down by our representative : " My name is John A. Wallace. I am a member of the flrm of J. A. Wallace & Co., doing business as tinners, etc, at 100 Eleauor Street, Kalamazoo, in whicii city I also reside. For the past nine or ten months I have beenhaving attacks of kidney complaint, the pain in my back over my hip was very severe at times ; my urinary system.was also in a bad state of derangement, sometimes the urine was scanty and thenagain the amountwould beexcessive, and a difflculty of passage always existed' I heard of Doan's Kidney Pilis at a time when I feit that I was going to be sick, but their use warded off an attack, and I am now feeling very much better; the urinary organism has regained a normal condition, and the terrific pain in my back is much reduced in severity, while it is now fast going away altogether. I am continuing the use of Doan's Kidney Pilis, with positive feeling that they wil] effect on me a permanent and speedy cure. I have unbounded confidence in Doan's Kidney Pilis as a remedy for all kidney ailments; have good reason to be, as they have done so much for me." Can you ask any more than this? Doan's Kidney Pilis are reliffving more backs of the burdens they have been forced to bear through the kidneys than all other means devised, and, better still," they are doing this right Here in Michigan. Ask any one who has ever taken them and see what they wil! sny. Don u's Kidnéy Pilis for sale by all dealer'?, jric-e. 50 cents. Mailed by FosterMilbürn Co., Bulïalo, N. Y., so'le agents for tliu U.. S. Remeraber the name, Doan's. and take uo other. The COAST LINE to MACKINAC --TAKETHE-+H- fYá MACKINAC I 1 DETROIT I i i PETOSKEY -- V- CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers The Ureatest Perfection yet attained in Boat Construction- Luxurious Bquipment, Artistic Furnlshlng, Oecoration and Efficiënt Service, insuriug the highest degree of COnFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. Four Trip6 per Week Between Toledo, Detroit and Mackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SOO," MARQUETTE AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Plcturesque Mackinac and Return, Includlnjj rieals and Berths. Prom Cleveland, $18; (rom Toledo, $15; from Detroit, $13.50. EVERY EVENINQ Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with Earliest Trains forall points East, South and Southwest and at Detroit for all points North and Northwest. Sunday Tript J une , July, August and September Only. EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, PuHn-Bay $ Toledo Send for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address ... A. SCHANTZ, o. ■. .. DETROIT, MICH. Te Detroit k Cleveland Síeam Mav. Co. Webster's International Diétionary 2 The One Great Standard Authority, 9 Y So writes Hon. I). J. Brewer, V O Justice U. S. Supreme Court. O 0 mSend a Postal for Specimen Pages, etc. y X P Í Standard X 1 XkJB E of theü. S. ö 1 6 SkMTTjIII ÍRU,, 'u Slíitu Supreme Courta, O 5 rSB I 'f'fij 1 .1Ml of ne?rlï aU the V O rr1 iljliiS coiniiieiiclecl o $ L , n" otherEducators álmost I Y ÍSS25ffiL33y witliout ïiumber. Y 9 THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY 9 9 BECAUSE I X It Is easy to llnd the word wanted. X X lt is easy to ascertnin the pronunciaron. lt is easy to trace the growth of a word. X A lt is easy to leatn what a word means. X 9 The Chicago Times-Hemld scys:- 9 O Websiter'a Internaiioiinl Dlotlonnry Iniispresent u o form ís absolute atultority on everylnini! iirrinininj; o A to our langunce in the wsy of orüioürai'ny. A X epy.etyuioloBy, mul ileflnition. From Itthfrc is no I 9 appeal. Itisas perfect as human Y 9 8hlp can make it.- Bee. IJ, 1885. Y X G.&C. MEBRIAM CO., Fuhlishers, X Springñeld, Mass., V.S.A. f, CATSUP Ádulter,tedfood. Doyou believe in It. lf so buy (-huik iiiu-!iii of sugar cotton seed oil insteaii 01 niiA-e oil. PeiUaps though you thlnk aboat your healtn, of about the flavor of what jou are eatinp. No w.-iy tlicn but tr, luiy good Btratgnt forward grocerius. Surprisiog part ofitlstnat they oost 110 more tlmn tlie adulterated stuit. The dealer naaea tlie diSereuce la est , Guess he loses In reputation thousli. We value our reputation and customers do too. STAEPLER & CO-, Phone 141' 41 S. Main St V B.NOKR1R Attorney at Law. . Does a general law colleotlon and conveyanoIng business. A moderate share of your pat; ronage respeotfully soliclted. üflnce 16 a Harón Street, upstairs.
Ann Arbor Argus
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