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Wanted. Ladies to do crocheting at home. Applv to Mrs. Goodale, cor. E. Williani aDd Thompson sts. , Ann Arbor. tf HAY & TODD MFG. CO . Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. ■-REVBVO ; !--.; RESTORES VITAUTY. $y0W.lf, y Made a ist oay. 'fff; J J0 JterJ Wel 1 M an 15thDay. SWT of Me. THE GREAT 3Oth I)ay. PHB3NroiI THÏÏWrSIDY produces i ie abovo results in "O ïays. It acts powtirfnlly audiMiicklr. Curéw wheu all otm-rs fuil Youngmeu wiil recaní tho.r lost manhood.aud old men will recover fchelr yontliful viyor by uuing REVIVO. ït quiekly and eurely restores Nervousness. Lost Vltality, Impoteiicy, Niglitly üiuinsions, Lost Power. Failiníí Mtanory, Wattimr bjáuases.snd all effects of eelf-abuse or excessarirt inrliscretion, whichunlitsonefors'udy.b isiiussormarriafre. It not only cures by Btartiug at the sf-at ot diBease, bi:t isagreat nerva tonïc and bloocl buUder. brinsiDg back tiie p'nk jflow to jaip -!:irIï; a' d restoring tbü fire of yonth. Jt warri oïï Tnsanjíy and Consumption. Insist on liavinc KKVIVOtao other. It can be carriod in vost pock t. By mail 81.00 perpackafre, or tti for &R.O0, vrith a posi tlve written jruarimtee to care or refund the saoney. Circular freo. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 Waíasll Ave., CHICAGO, ILL For sale at Ann Arbor, Mlch., by Eberbach Drug and Chemical Oompany. AMERICAN I I SILVER 1 w B L TRUSS. S. T ''-'' T5 light, ' B M L V6 COOL, g % ! Easy to Wear. S Retains No pressure on 55 Severest V Hips or Back. I - Hernia I No understraips. I ff with Comfort. Never moves. HAHUFACTURED AI 290 n.ln St., BUFFALO, N. Y.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News