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Judge C. B. Grant returned to La:isinp, Wednesday. Dr. Charlotte Fitzgerald spent Wednesday in Detroit. J. Fred Hoelzle and wife are rejoicing over the birth of a son, born Saturday. Miss Jennie E. Diokey, of Marshall, was in the city last Friday and Satrarday. Mrs. Phillips, of Syracuse, N. Y., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Olivia B. Hall. Justice Andrew E. Gibson left Tuesday for a visit with friends near Dayton, O. Charles F. Dietas, of Chicago, is visiting his parents and other friends in the city. Miss Christine Lilly will spend the summer with her aunt, Mrs. H. Luther, at Medina, N. Y. Mrs. James B. Angell gave a dinner Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Rose Demmon. Miss Laura Weidemann, of Detroit, attended the funeral of the late John Jacob Koch on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lnther, of Medina, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. Luther's mother, Mrs. J. M. Wheeler. Mrs. J. M. Smoots is visiting her sister in Detroit, where she hopes to recupérate after a severe illness. Eev. C. M. Cobern delivered the commencement address at the high school in Niles last Friday evoning. Miss Jennie Voorheis was re-elected treasurer of the state W. C. T. U., at the convention at Marquette, on Tnesday. Rev. W. C. Huil leffc for Williamsport, Pa., Friday. where he will probably lócate as pastor of the Disoiples' churoh. Channing Lovejoy, of 'Detroit, carne up Satnrday on his wheel and spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Carrie L. Kellogg. Carl Sohlenkfir, a recent gradúate of the U. of M., has been chosen as instructor in Germán at the Iowa State University. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Conrad, of Waterloo, Uüt., who have been visiting the family of Dr. Conrad Georg, returned home Monday. Miss May Boss, of Lawton, has entered the office of Miss Emma E. Bower, great record keeper, L. O. T. M., as scenographer. W. W. Wedemeyer delivered the Memorial address before the Maceabees of Chelsea and Dexter Sunday afternoon, at Dexter. The Mises Emma Kernper and Anna Wesch spent Sunday veith the family of Christian Miller, of Scio, who is Miss Keruper's unole. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lambie and daughter, Miss Eunice B. Lambie, of Ypsilauti, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Babcock last Friday. Mrs. George Stanger, of Michigan City, Ind., who has been visiting Mrs. J. J. Koch and daughters the past week, vcill return home tomorrow. Mrs. George Cox, of Oil City, Ont, is visiting her daughters, Mrs. D. Pierce and Mrs. F. Klingier and granddaughter, Mrs. H. Schulz, of ths city. George J. Lutz, jr. was elected one of the cfficors of the grand camp of K. O. T. M., at Saginaw last week. His office is that of grand second M. of G. Messrs. Noyes, Shaw and West, of Portland, Me., representing the eastern bondholders of the Ann Arbor Street Kailway Co., were in the city last Friday. Mr. Lilley, of New". York City, is in town attendug the graduating exeroises of tha Ann Arbor high school, his daughter, Miss Christine Lilley, being ' one of the gradnates. Prof. Alberto Jonas wiil visit Europe this summer. While there he will visit the great Paderewski, having received a warm invitation frorn thpiano virtuoso to do so. Miss Helen Dickey, who has been in Ann Arbor for some weeks on account of the illness of her sister, Miss May E. Dickey, accompanied the latter to Battle Creek last Saturday. Charles F. Setzler bas accepted the position óf advertisement manager for the Education Extensión, a monthly magazing published by the Cleary Pablishing Co., of Ypsilanti. Mr. Setzler will lócate in Ypsilanti July 1. Mr. and Mrs. F. Stofflet, Mrs. E. Fogerty and Mrs. St. Clair went to Hamburg and epent Sunday with Miss Mary Blades. While there they decolated the grave of Miss Lottie Blades, who died and was buried there abont a year ago. Dr. J. A. Wessinger attended a special sessiun of the supreme commandery United Friends of Mioghigan, held in Detroit, Monday, to revise the constitución and by-laws of the order. He was thfi delégate from the local commaudery. Prof. John M. Schaeberle, of Fisk Observatury, (Ju., n i.s tieeu appoiufed by tbe Onivers ty ui Cahfornia to observe the eulipse in J.tpuu. which wiJl take place iu Aiítisr. Se is aiready iu that land of sunr se. Prof. Schaeberle is an Ann Arbor by and formerly was connected with our observatory here.