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Duane Stuart, '96 Ut, of Detroit, has beeu chosen aa captain of the University track team for 1896-7. Jas. E. Kelley, principal of the Sault Ste Marie sohoúls, wiïl spend the snmmer at the univerisity. The U. of M. track team defeated the Chicago team Saturday in the windy city by a score of 67 points to 50. Geo. B. Harrison, ruanaging editor of the U. of M. Daily, accompanied the 'Varsity team to Oberlin Saturday. The woman's edition of the Inlander and U. of M. Daily netted to the gymnasium fund $100.10 and 46.31 respectively. A total of $146.41. The 'Varsity baseball team won the last game of the season Satnrday afternoon at Oberlin, defeating the Oberlin College nine by the score of 8 to 7. Watkins and Miller pifcched. Some of the leading ladies of Adrián gave a "Deestrict Skule" entertainment in that city for the benefit of the woman's gymnasium fund of this city. The sum of 200 was netted by their efforts. Dr. Ernst Voss, Ph. D. , instructor in Germán in the ïlniversity, has accepted a cali from the University of Wiseonsin. Dr. Voss has mauy friends in the city aud state who will regret to see him leave. At tbe oonvention of the State Dental Associatioü, held ia G-raud Eapids last week, Dr. N. S. Hott' read a paper on "What shonld the deutist do to prevent the decay of teeth?" Dr. I. Taft, deau of the dental department, opened the discussion of the paper. Professor A. B. Prescott will read a paper before the American Association for the advancement in science, which will meet in Buffalo, N. Y., the middle of August. Professor E. D. Campbell bas been invited to conduct the seotion of analytioal chernistry at tbis meeting. Profs. A. B. Prescott and A. B. Steveus will attend the meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association to be held at Montreal, Aug. 1, before which they will read papers pertaining to chemistry. Mrs. Prescott and Mrs. Stevens will accompany them. After the meeting Prof. and Mrs. Stevens will travel through Canada. Don M. Dickenson will head the Detroit delegation of alumni who expect to come to Ann Arbor on Alumni Day, next Wednesday, to aid in the celebration of President Angell's 25 years of service. He will have a place on the toast program that is to foJlow the dinner, and together with the college presidents that will be present will deliver addresses -congratulatory of President Angelí. George W. Benham, an engineering student, lost a pair of gold bowed eyeglasses last July while on a surveying trip through a swamp in Emmett county. Last month Surveyor Main, who was with Beuham when the glasses were lost, happened in the locality and concluded to hunt for thera. He cleared away the brush and undergruvth at random and fouud the glasses. It was simply by chance that the right spot was picked upon. The glasses were mjnred.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News