Chelsea Will Have Waterworks
Frank P. Glazier is one of Chelsea's most enterprising b isiness rnen, and is always looking our for the interest of bis village. He is foreinost in all village enterprises and has done nauch to inake Chelsea the most thriving of j Michigan villages. It is due, by the ! way, to the possession cf snch energetic, wide awake and progressive business men that Chelsea has made such great strides in progresa Mr. Glazier's latest scheme will result in giviag Chelsea an excellent system of waterworks, which will afford Chelsea protection from the disastrous fires which would have been bad set backs to any less progressive village than Chelsea. A contract has been entered into between the village council and Mr. Glazier under which Mr. Glazier is to construct a system of waterworks before Octobar 1 of this year. The works are to be on the reservior and pumping plaD and maius are to be laid on Main street as far soutb as Snmmit street and on Middle street from Grant to Polk streets, and eight flre hydrants are to be placed along these mains The villace pays 11,105 rental, and if ditional fire hydrants are to be put in $42 per year per bydrant. The council may order an extensión of the fire mains at any time by putting au extra hydraut for every 700 feet of new main so ordered. Tha contract runs for ten years, and the village has the right to purchase the waterworks at any time it sees fit. If the price cannot be agreed npon between the parties, provisión is made for disinterested arbitration as to the price. Provisions are also made for furnisbing private individuáis with water for spiinkling or manufacturing purposes at prices not higlier than the average charge in other villages of Miohiagu, Chelsea vill now have waterwoiks, electric ligbts, telephone exchaage and all the othor modern improvements.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News