Women Can Now Vote
A victory for women was soored at the Episcopal church conveDtion held in Detroit last week and hereafter in the diocese of Michigan, they can vote at the annual parisb meetings on any and all questions tbat effect the wellfare of the church of which they are such faithful members. It took a lot of argument to settle it and the raajority of the committee appointed to report on its advisability reported agaiust it, but that faithful champion of ladies' right to vote, Rev. R. D. Bnoks, of spoke and labored earnestiy in behalf of the move ment, ably seconded by Rev. Dr. Prall, of Detroit, Rev. R. E. Macdnff, of Filnt, Elliott G. Stevenson, of Detroit and Gen. Withington, of Jackson, and others. The movement was bitterly opposed by Rev. Dr. MuCarroll, Rev. C L. Arnold, Wm. C. Maybury and Jas. Smitb, of Detroit, but when ft carne to a vote it was found that the clergy had sided with the women by a" vote of 28 to 20, and the laity had done much better for them, the vote standing 36 to 15 in favor of the minority report recommending that womeu be allowed to vote. The office of archdeacon was created, the holder of which will be ex-officio, vice president of the diocese, board of management and member ex-officio of each convention. He will be the representative of the bishop as chieï missionary of the diocese, have charge of all missions, providing for their temporary suppLy within the limit of the annual appropriatiou and will hold missionary services in different parts of the state when so needed. He wjII collect the reports of all missionariea in tbe diocese and present them at each annoal meeting. His salary will be 2,000 and traveling expenses. It stirred up considerable feeling among some of the reverend gentlemen, notably fiev. Wiu. Prall, who waw afraid that the archdeacon would have priority over his ministerial brothers. Rev. Henry Tatlook was reappointed dean of the southern convocation. fiev. Heury Tatlock proposed a resoIntior, which was adopted, calling for the appointruent of a cornmittee to report at the next conveation on the matter of so ehauging the oanous that onethird aad not the whole vestry of each parish be elected at the Easter eleotioDS. This insures continuity of policy aud prevenís any sudden changes. It is the law in the five dioceses in New York. The convention then adjourued aud will meet uext year in Jackson.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News