The Dexter Schools
The commencement exercises of tl e Dexter Higb School began last Sunday evening, when the baocalaureate ad; riress was delivered by Eev. Frank Bloomfield before a large audieuoe in tbe Congregational chutch. The ad dress was an able and soholpr y effort, f uil of helpful suggestions to the graduates. The regular graduating exeroises were beid in the Dexter opera house iast evening. There was a large audience present from the village and the suiTOunding neighborhood. The followiug program was successfully cairied out : March Orchestra. Invocation Rev H. A. McConnell. Solo Miss Josephine A. Gnffney. Salutatory Clyde Alton DeWitt. Duet Misses MurdocK and Day. Essay, "Electrieity" i'loyd J. Pajie. Essay, "Musio Clara Blanche Cushman. ddress Hon. H. R. Pattengill. Solo Miss Josephine A. Gaffney. Valedietory Franops Mae Cushing. PBE8ÏNTATION OF DIPLOMAS Class Song.-.. Class. BKNED1CTION. The following is a list of the graduates : Latiu-German course - Mae Evelyn McGuinness, Anna Iva Savery, Graoe Edith Alley, AnnaLusinaDoane, Mary Dorothy Wall, Clara Blanche Cushman, Francés Mae Ousbing, Robert Henry FitKshnmons, Clyde Alton DeWitt; Bnglish-German course - Olga Sarah Jedele, Floyd J. Page ; English course - Clara Eiama McGuinness. The past year has been a very successfnl one for the schools of Dexter uader the able supreintendency of Prof. D. DeWitt, assisted by an efficiënt oorps of teachers. Nearly all the old teachers have been ,re-engaged for the coming year.
Ann Arbor Argus
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