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K. O. T. M. Memorial Day At Dexter

K. O. T. M. Memorial Day At Dexter image
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The Maccabees of Dexter and Chelsea celebrated their Memorial I)ay with appropriate exeroises at Dexter last Sunday. A large delegation carne frorn Cbelsea, accorapanied by the band, which furnished splendid ïuusic for the occasion. The exeroises were held in the opera house, which was crowded to its full capacity. The following program was oarried out: Musio Clioir. Scripture Keuding Rev. Frank Iiloomfield. Prayer Rev. H. A. McConnell. Music Quartette. Address W. W. Wedemeyer. of "America" by the Audience Benediction Rev. Mr. Potter. After the program was finished the Sir Knights and Ladies headed by the Chelsea band, marched tothe cemetery. Here the graves of departed brothers and sisters were beautifully decorated. The ceremonies were very pretty and impressive, and will long be remembered by all present. The day was an ideal one, aud the exercisea were most successful in every way.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News