It Pays
3 One-half block W. of Main St., Nos. 9 & 11 W. Liberty St. it'lf 1 V ■■'■■ (fÖ h l($ J- v '1 r"-' U-V S00 goods. Wc have mí A j , a full assortment of them. V. W Ms. Customers teil us that our 2-, O fj [J ] ' Prices are th3 Lowest S S ríÍpyrÍijL0 éy ever ?ffered them. That's B' -"L uj-s= what makes business good at se gtkiSSí Parlor Suits, Chamber Snits p T =T anti jPüBNITUKE of evevy ' S YoUr Atieijtioq kintL White Irou Beds, etc. 'S Wil] be attracted by the lraperies anl Lace i 2 ful patterus of our , j Carpetsi Mattiiigs, Ru;s, Oil :_i oJtZr' We Repair Furniture Right a : r Hei)i)e & Sïaijger k One-hallblock W. of Main Su, Nos. & 11 W. JLilerty 8t. % c 5 i
Ann Arbor Argus
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