Real Estate Transfers
Charles S. Maok and wife to Elizabetht M. Swathel, Ann Albor, $3,800. Eiizabeth Reddaway to John Reddaway and wife, Ypsilanti, $300. Catberiue Ryan to John Ryan, Ann Arbor, $1. Wm. Ross, by executor, to Jacob Brehlmayer, Freedoni, $1,016. John C. Goodrich to Wm, E. McLeod, Ypsilanti, 70. Fred Stollsteimer to John J. Ferguson aad wife, Ann Arbor, .$300. Win. Galiup and wife to Lafayette Gallup, Lyndou, $1. Wm. E. McLeod to Sarah E. Sbowers, Ypsilanti, $50. John S. Pacey and wife to Charles Hildinger, Bridgewater, $275. Thos. H. Leonard, et al., to Andrew M. Leonard, York, $2 000. Andrew M. Leonard and wife to Albert F. Bal), York, $750. Charles McCormiok and wife to Lee N. Brown and wife, Ypsilanti, $400. Lucy W. S. Morgan, by executor, to City of Ann Arbor, Ann Arbox, $4,500. Abraham and Anuie Browu to Jenuie E. and Ernily Ada Brown, Northfield, $2,500. Hudson T. Mortou to Ailetta J. Ledman, York, $1,000. Robert Brown to Mary Brown, York, $1,000. Susan M. Gay to Robert Browu, York, $110. JVIary Brown to Robert Brown, York, 11,000. Allen L. Nowlin and wife to Ypsilanti Opera House Co., Ypsilauti, $1,100. Benjamin C. Buít and wifeto Louisa Keyes, Ann Arbor, $2,100. James E. and Ellen Deviue, by sheriff, to Owen Gallagher, by administrators, Webster, $1,359.67. W. D. Harriman and wife to Maria Dorothea Beck, Ann Arbor, $300. John B. Corliss to Alian Bowie, Ann Arbor, $125. Mary L. Holconib to Gottlieb Krant, York, $180. Loren G. Overshire and wife to Johanna Heney, Salem, $1. Lucy W. Morgan, by executor, to Wilhelm H.L. Rohde, Ann Arbor, $2,100. J. Jacob Koch to Fredericka Kocb, Ann Arbor, $1. Wm. D. Schmidt and wife to John Fiseher, Dexter, 200. Mary Slattery, by adruinistrator, to Jabez B. Wortley, Ypsilanti, $350. Emma M. Cowun and E. J. Taylor to Caroline JBiuder, Ann Arbor, $1,100. Jane S. Merritt to Wm. McAndrew, Ypsilanti, $400.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Charles S. Mack
Elizabeth M. Swathel
Elizabeth Reddaway
John Reddaway
Catherine Ryan
John Ryan
William Ross
Jacob Brehlmayer
John C. Goodrich
William E. McLeod
Fred Stollsteimer
John J. Ferguson
William Gallup
Lafayette Gallup
Sarah E. Showers
John S. Pacey
Charles Hildinger
Thomas H. Leonard
Andrew M. Leonard
Albert F. Ball
Charles McCormick
Lee N. Brown
Lucy W. S. Morgan
Abraham Brown
Annie Brown
Jennie E. Brown
Emily Ada Brown
Hudson T. Morton
Alletta J. Ledman
Robert Brown
Mary Brown
Susan M. Gay
Allen L. Nowlin
Benjmain C. Burt
Louisa Keyes
James E. Devine
Ellen Devine
W. D. Harriman
Maria Dorothea Beck
John B. Corliss
Allan Bowie
Mary L. Holcomb
Gottlieb Krant
Loren G. Overshire
Johanna Heney
Wilhelm H. L. Rohde
J. Jacob Koch
Fredericka Koch
William D. Schmidt
John Fischer
Mary Slattery
Jabez B. Wortley
Emma M. Cowan
E. J. Taylor
Jane S. Merritt
William McAndrew