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Real Estate Transfers

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Charles S. Maok and wife to Elizabetht M. Swathel, Ann Albor, $3,800. Eiizabeth Reddaway to John Reddaway and wife, Ypsilanti, $300. Catberiue Ryan to John Ryan, Ann Arbor, $1. Wm. Ross, by executor, to Jacob Brehlmayer, Freedoni, $1,016. John C. Goodrich to Wm, E. McLeod, Ypsilanti, 70. Fred Stollsteimer to John J. Ferguson aad wife, Ann Arbor, .$300. Win. Galiup and wife to Lafayette Gallup, Lyndou, $1. Wm. E. McLeod to Sarah E. Sbowers, Ypsilanti, $50. John S. Pacey and wife to Charles Hildinger, Bridgewater, $275. Thos. H. Leonard, et al., to Andrew M. Leonard, York, $2 000. Andrew M. Leonard and wife to Albert F. Bal), York, $750. Charles McCormiok and wife to Lee N. Brown and wife, Ypsilanti, $400. Lucy W. S. Morgan, by executor, to City of Ann Arbor, Ann Arbox, $4,500. Abraham and Anuie Browu to Jenuie E. and Ernily Ada Brown, Northfield, $2,500. Hudson T. Mortou to Ailetta J. Ledman, York, $1,000. Robert Brown to Mary Brown, York, $1,000. Susan M. Gay to Robert Browu, York, $110. JVIary Brown to Robert Brown, York, 11,000. Allen L. Nowlin and wife to Ypsilanti Opera House Co., Ypsilauti, $1,100. Benjamin C. Buít and wifeto Louisa Keyes, Ann Arbor, $2,100. James E. and Ellen Deviue, by sheriff, to Owen Gallagher, by administrators, Webster, $1,359.67. W. D. Harriman and wife to Maria Dorothea Beck, Ann Arbor, $300. John B. Corliss to Alian Bowie, Ann Arbor, $125. Mary L. Holconib to Gottlieb Krant, York, $180. Loren G. Overshire and wife to Johanna Heney, Salem, $1. Lucy W. Morgan, by executor, to Wilhelm H.L. Rohde, Ann Arbor, $2,100. J. Jacob Koch to Fredericka Kocb, Ann Arbor, $1. Wm. D. Schmidt and wife to John Fiseher, Dexter, 200. Mary Slattery, by adruinistrator, to Jabez B. Wortley, Ypsilanti, $350. Emma M. Cowun and E. J. Taylor to Caroline JBiuder, Ann Arbor, $1,100. Jane S. Merritt to Wm. McAndrew, Ypsilanti, $400.