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Will Not PerformMiracles But It Will Cure. DR. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE cures nervous prostration. Not ruiraculously, but sc-entifically, by first removing the germs of disease, and then supplying healthy nerve food, increasing the appetite, helping digestión and strengthening the entire system. Desperate cases require prolonged treatment as shown by that of Mrs. M. B. Reed, of Delta, Iowa, who writes : "As the result of a lightning stroke, the physicians said I had a light stroke of paralysis, my limbs would all draw up. I Dr MÜ6S wouli have throbbings , in my chest that seemed NCrVinC unendurable. Forthree + months I could not sleep KcSlOlCS and for three weeks did TTpaith not c!ose my nttUUI...... prayed for sleep, and feit that if relief did not come I would be dead or insane. I took Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and the second night slept two cours and fronthat time on my health improved; slowly at first, but steadily and surely. I took in all 40 bottles, and I cannot express how grateful I am, for I am now perfectly well, and have taken no medicine for over four months." Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold by druggists on guarantee that firat bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on heart and nerves free. Dr. Miles Medical Cg LUtwrt, Not Much Left IN ANY LINE OF of Farm Tools And whatever is now on hand will be sold at less than cost in order to close business by Sept. lst. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY K. J. ROGERS, Implement and Seed Store, 25-27 Detroit St. IlLaliI & ouADULl .BAKERT. GROCERÏ AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE, We keep consinntly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o, For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We shall also keep a supply ot OSBIUIYE'! GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. 8wift & Oo.'s Beet White Wheat Flour, Bye Flonr, Buckwheat Floux, Oorn Meal, ."jed. Sec, &c, &c, At Wholesale ind Retail. A eeneral stock ot 3R00EJIBS AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. -Cash paid for Batter, Eggs, and Countr Produce srenerallv. ByGoods Delivered to anv part oí the city wlth x in incha rt t. Rlnser & Se i b olt They Are Marked This Way Ellöloid INTERLINEO Tho genuine interlinee! collars and I cuffs with a "Celluloid" surfaee, and the only water-proof collars and cuffs I worth buying. j INTERLINED Tney are worth buying, beeause they ' wearsix times longer than linen, keer clean longer, and when soiled, you can clean them yourself. # TRA De ElluloSÖ MARK INTERLINEP You can clean them yourself with a I wet cloth- as easily and quicbly as you can wash your hands - whether al home or ahroad. Elluloid INTERLINEO t home or abroad, you'll flnd them i more comfortable, more convenient and more economical than any otuer collars and culis made. J tLLöLOly MARK INTERLINED Accept oc imitUon. Made In 11 itjle nd liles. Sold everyberc or ent bj direct. CoIIm-i 20c. ecl. Cuffs 40c. oair po8tpid. Sute ílre Dd ityi. THE : CELliloi COHIPANÏ, NEW TOBK. O ESr'VI I % is the beet cleanaer


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