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Nearly all aummer complaints are rtne to burt blood and unliealthy bilc. Dr. Fowler'a Ext. of Wild Stiawberry cures by uttacking the root of the tronble. It never fails. For Over Fifty Years Mrs. WensloWs Soothing Sthup bas? been u édby l iLLIiins di' MOTHEES tor thelr ÜHILÜREN 'HILE TEETHING, witl) PERFECT SUOCBSfl It SüO'l'HES. tlie CIIILP, 8OFTENS the GUMS, ALLATS all PAIN; CURES WIND OOM';, and is the best retnedy tor DTAKRHfKA. Twenty-flive óents a bottle, V A slice of minee pie made of the M jP right minee meat is a lunch in H F itself- an epicure's lunch. j t NONE SUCH I L MINCE MEAT L Is the right minee meat. m B eome, fresh and delicious. For K W pies, fruit cake and fruit pudding. H W Sold every where. Take no substitute. j B Send oame aod address Cor booklet, " Mri. M K Popkíiis' TlianksgiviDg," a huiuoroua story. U m MERRELL-SOULEC0..SYRACUSE.N Y K Liverüls Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, constipation, sour stomach, indigestión are promptly cured by Hood's Pilis. They do tlieir work Hood's easily and thoroughly. fc " Best aíter dinner pills. W I IC 25 cents. AI1 druggists. I ■ ■ ■ r Prepared by C. I. Hood li Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pili to take witti Hood's Sarsaparilla.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News