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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank paid a o per cent dividend July 1. Next Sunday communion service will be celebrated in the Presbyterian church. City medical men say that malaria is very prevalent in Ann Arbor and vicinity. The seventh reunion of the 7th Mich. Cavalry is in session this afternoon at the court house. S, E. Sheldon is moving into J. H. Cutting's house on Monroe st. , which he has purchased. The circuit court met Monday and adjusted a few cases. It adjourned in the evening until Sept. 15. The Chequamegon orchestra furnished the music for the recent graduating exercises of the Pinckney high school. County Clerk Dansingburg issued 44 marriage licenses during the month of June, the largest-number ever issued in one month in this county. The Loyal Temperance Union jicnic on J. B. Steeres grounds in Pittsfield, has been postponed until July 14 on account of his absence from home. The clothing stores will all keep open until 11 o'clock this evening and until 12 o'clook noon tomorrow. This will give their employees a half day off to celébrate the Fourth. The supreme court has affirmed the decisión given in the Washtenaw Circuit court in the case of Helber vs. Schantz. An election bet of 5 was the cause of all the trouble. Ata special meeting of the city council on Monday evening, the assessor was ordered to place the due and unpaid sewer taxes on the tax roll for this year amounting to about 8,000. Among the car load of clothing, houshold goods, etc, sent to the cyclone sufferers last week were three large boxes of hats, caps and clothing from Noble's Star Clothing House. Aid. C. A. Maynard and C. H. Cady have conoluded to joiu forces not only ia the common council bnt in business and to that end cominenced a copartnership on Wednesday morniug, July 1, under the firm name of C. A. Maynard &. Co. Mr. Maynard 's stock of goods will be moved to the store uow occupied by C. H. Cady as soou as room can be rnade for it: Here's success to the new flrm. The Stockbridge Sun of last week says: "Have you read Dr. J. B. Angell's baccalaureate address ta the university graduating class given last Sunday If not, get a copy of Monday morning's Detroit Free Press and read it. Every American citizen should read it. He should study it and refleot upon it. There is no jingoism in Dr. Angell." All of which is good advice and well worth heeding. The "Waterraelon Social" at the Y. M. C. A. rooms Tuesday night was a pleasant affair and fairly well attended. Quite a musical and literary porgram was given by the boys and their friends. Toward the close of the evening R. C. McAUaster called Secretary B. B. Johnson ta, the front and in the name of the board of directors presentetd him a complete set of Shakespeare's works, as an evidence of their appreciation of his work during the past year. - Times. Mrs. Anna Mary Kuhn, wife of Fred C. Kuhn, of 23 W. Seventh st., died at her home last Saturday at 12 :20 p. m., from heart disease, while sitting at the dinner table. She was 64 years, 3 months and 8 days.old. Besides her husband she leaves a family of two sons, Christian F. and Fred C. Kuhn, and three daughters, Mrs. Austin Marken, Mrs. Anderson and Miss Mary K. Kuhn. The funeral services were held at the house Tuesday afternoon, Rev. John Neumann officiating. The remains were interred in Forest Hill cemetery. Mrs. S. R. Davis has sold tereral of her Iots west of the city to Prauk Banks. The new water tank of the Ann Arbor Railroad at Hamburg is about ready for use. The board of public works at a recent meeting fixed the salary of Assistant Engineer Edwin W. G-roves at $900 a year. The Kuebler & Gruner factory, corner Madison st. and S. Fourth ave., has been traded to Wm. Van Norden for nis house and lot, 28 N. Fifth ave. The barber shops of the city will be open until 11 o'clook this evening aud until 12 o'clock noou tomorrow, so get your Sunday shave daring these hours or not at all. The two years old child of Isaac Row, of 124 S. Main st., died Saturday of brain fever. The remains were buried in Forest Hill cemetery, Rev. Mas Hein officiating. On Monday, J. W. Knight increased the ïoung Men's Christian Assooiation bnilding fund by a obeck for $100. Tuesday morning Wm. G Henne, of Henne & Stranger, gave $100 towards the fund. To teil the gear of a bicycle, mnlti■ply the nnmber of teeth in the large sprocket wheel by the number of inches of the diameter of the rear or driving wheel, then divide by the number of teeth in the rear sprocket wheel. Six more trees were broken on Hanover square Friday night. It is a mean minded person who thns works a petty spite by such actions as these. The Argus hopes to see this petty scoundrel or scoundrels atrested and brought to justice. The Argus would like to impress it ou the minds of a large uurnber of its subscribers that they are in arrears for their paper. It would be a pleasure to the proprietors to fill out receipts for the several amounts due and we hope the parties in question will oall and give us a chance to let them see what the signature of the firm looks like. The students for the summer school are coming in by twos and threes, and already last year 's total of 187 names has been passed. Twenty-Eeven of the entering students are laws, 10 more than last year. The rest are divided among the various courses offered in the literary department. About 250 will be the probable total for the summer. Golden Rule Lodge, No. 159, F. and A. M., closed its work for the season last evening by conferring the third degree on one candidate. The work was done by three past masters of the lodge L. C. Goodrich, W. W. Watts and George Blum. After tbe work refreshments were served and a pleaBant time as enjoyed with toasts and speeches. Tbe first issue of Edward Waples' new monthly publioation, the Washtenaw Home Visitor, will be dated September, 1896, and Will appear August 15. It will be a five-column quarto, and will contain agricultural, fashion, young folks' and hnmorous departmentf besides complete stories and tniscellaneons matter in each issue. Each'page will be illustrated. According to law every inember, of the state legislature has a right to appoint trwo students from liis . district who will be admitted to the Normal School on the same conditions as other candidates except that they are exempt from the payment of term f ees. During the past year out of the 132 legislative officials, 131 made 220 out of a possible 264 appointments. On Saturday afternoon two small burglaries were effected. Mann Bros. ' Irug store was entered by taking ont a ight of glass in the rear window, through which the burglar squeezed his body. Abotit 2 in ohange was se3ured. Alex. Ratti's fruit store on E. Suron st, was also entered and $20 to L25 abstracted from the till while the proprietor was not looking. "The Declaration of Independence in tbe Light of Modern Criticism, " by Moses Coit Tyler, professor of history in Cornell nniversity, formerly of the University of Micihgan, possesses a well-oonsidered timeliness as the oppning article in the North American Review for July. Professor Tyler diseusses this venerable and "clasic statement of politioal truths" from tnany standpoints, but always in a loyal and patriotic spirit. At the mepting of the board of directors of tbe Youug Men's Christian Assooication Monday even ing, John E. Benz, of Ottumwa, Iowa. was engaged as general seoretary to succeed tbe late efficiënt seoretary, Burton B. Johnson, who expects to be iu the nniversity next year and desires to give all his time to his studies. He has resigned his post a month earlier than he needed to have done in order to allow tbe board to grasp the tmusually good chance that presented itself to secure Mr. Benz's services. Mr. Benz assumed his duites Wednesday morning and will devote his whole time to them which should prove some improvement over the old method, where Mr. Johnson devoted half his time. This year's Commencement Annual is a fine number. lts frontispiece is a f all page portrait of the famous Arch of Trajan, a cast of which was presented to the university by the '96 lite their class memorial. The cnts are very fine thronghout, and embrace besides the frontispiece the following subjects: President James B. Angelí, senior plass officers of the literary, Jaw and medical departments, Prof. Jerome C. Knowlton, law building, main buildiug and an artistic view representiug a soene on the Huron. The reading matter contains everything of interest during commencement week, with esBays, poems and addresses in full. It is a neatly bound and well printed volumn and was published by Alvick A. Pearson, '94; Ralph Farimm, '98, business manager. Fraternity Lodge. Xo. 202, F. & A. M., will meet tbis evening for work on the third degree. The school board bas been inspectiug the various school bnilings this week preparatory to ordering sorne needed repairs. The postoffice will be open for window delivery f rom 9:30 to 10:30 o'clock and from 7 to 7 :35 p. m. tomororw. The drygood8 stores of this city will remain open this evening nntil 9 :30 o'clock and will remain closed the entire day, Saturday July 4. "The Clack Book" for July contains a fautastio opium story from the pen of Karl E. Harrirnan, entitled "The Yellow Smoke," it is profusely illustrated with pen and ink drawings by Miss Bessie M. Danster. There was a crowd of between 30,000 and 40,000 people on Belle Isle, Detroit, Tnesday, to celébrate the Rally Day of the Snnday schools. The size of the crowd which attentively listened to the address of Capt. E. P. Allen is estimatd to have been 8,000 people. The thrice contested action for damages of Edward O'Neal by his nest friend, Patrick O'Neal vs. Dr. J. G. Lynds, was again tried in Justice Gibson's oourt on Tuesday. The case grew out of Dr. Lynds having driven over the boy O'Neal on the Whitmore Lake road and severely injuring him. Two former juries had disagreed, {but the last one brought in a verdict for 100. The installation of Rev. A. L. Nicklas as pastor of Zion Lutheian church, will take place nest Sunday inorning at 10:30 o'clock. Rev. J. Dingeldey, of Cleveland, O., and Rev. C. C. Clessler, of Bridgewater, [will preach at the morning service aod install the pastor - elect. At the evening service Rev. N. Price, of Detroit, is expected to preach an English sermón. Everybody is cordially invited. Rev. Henry Pomeroy Horton, the new assistant to Rev. Henry Tatlock, of St. Andrew's church, arrivéa in this city Wednesdy and has already taken up his work. He has just finished his course in the general theological seminary, standing very high in his classes and comes with very high recotnmendations. He is a graduate of the Ohio State University. At the meeting of the Washtenaw Couoty Medical Association held at the Hawkins house, Ypsilanti, Tuesday evening, only about eight members were present. The proceedings were gone through with, however, essays being read and reports of difficult cates submitted. At the election of office is Dr. W. F. Breakey, of this city, was chosen president, and Dr. Wilcoxson, of Ypsilanti, secretary. Dr. Gay Laraway, of Emery, and Miss May Palmer, of this city, were quietly married at 10 a. m. yesterday at the home of the bride's mother, 36 Thompson st., Rev. T. W. Yonng officiating and after the ceremony the newly wedded couple took the 11:05 M. C. train. Tne way they were showered with rice at the depot by a merry group of girls who accompanied them thither should ensure them a bright and prosperóos journey through life if nothing else would. The doctor had tied a handkerchief about his neck to keep out the little white kernels and even then had great difficalty in making a success of it, so persistent were the young ladies in their good intentions.