Rev. John Stanger Dead
Ou Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. John Stanger, who had been a respected resident of Ann Arbor for the past 17 years, died at nis home, 86 "W. Fourth st. , aged 76 years and 10 days. He had been in poor health for a nnmber of years. Mr. Stanger was bom in Moettlingen, Wnertemberg, Germany, June 24, 1820. His nduoation was obtained at that old center of learning, Basle, Switzerland, and froin there he was sant as a Lutheran missionary to África in 1846. For 19 years he remained there, until in 1865 he was removed to the province of Rio Grande de Sul in Brazi], where he preaohed at a Germán church until J874. He then carne to the United States and spent flve years in active life as a minister. The flrst two years he preached at Ashland, O., and the nexfc three at New Buffalo, Mich. In 1879 he retired and carne to Ann Arbor, where he has lived ever since. Survivinfc him are his wife, Mrs. Louise C. Stanger, and his ten children, as follows: J. Th. Stanger and Jonathan Stanger, of Chicago; Rev. C. C. Stanger, of Detroit; Mrs. Schlessinger, of Van Wert, O. ; Miss Emma Stanger, oí South Bend, Ind. ; the Misses Lydia R., Jobannn A. and Louisa K. Stanger and Theophil and Nathaniel Stauger, of Ann Arbor. The funeral serices vrere beid 'at the Bethiehern Evangelical cburch on Tuesday ntorning. Rev. John Neumann, Rev. Panl Irion, Rev. J. Hoch and Rev. H. Gnuderr, of Mt. Clemens, conducted the services. The following named clergymen were present: Rev. Hoch, of Michigan City; Gundert, of Mt. Clemens; Larnbrecht, of Detroit; Irion, of Fredonia; Schreiber, of Saline; Meister, of Rogers Corner; Eisen, of Chelsea; Meyer, of Jackson; Wilde, of Francisco; Spathelf, of Owosso. The services were largely attended by members of the church and friends of the bereaved family. The remains were interred in the German cemetery on Jacksou ave.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Rev. John Stanger
Nathaniel Stanger