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Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜUNTV OF Washtenaw. The undersigned havingbeen appoiuted by the Probate Court for fluid Count;, Commisaionersto receive, examine and adjust u'll claims and dcmands of all persons ngainst the estáte of Morris Richuiond, late of said County, deceaaed, hereby give notice tbat six nionths froua date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present tbeir claims against the estáte of saüt decciised. and that they will meet at the office of E. B. Pod, in the Citj of Ann Arbor, in said County, on the eighth day of September and on the eighth oay of December next, at ten o'clock A.M. oi each of said days, to ïeceive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated June 8, 186. ELIHU B. FOND. FUEDERIC B. BRAUN, Commissiouers. Estáte of William Beeken. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for tha County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. on Tue8day, the ltsth day of June, In the year oue thouéand eight hurjdred and uinety6i.". Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William Beeken, deceased. On reading and flling the petitlon. duly veriüed, of Ida Dalton. praying that adrninistration of said estáte may be granted to herself or some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered ihat Monday, the 30th day of July next, at 10 o'cloek In the forenoon. be assigned for the hearing of said petitlon, and that the heii's at Iaw of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, -are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Aun Arbor, and show caue, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered that spid petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pemlency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argus. a newspaper printed and cirfulated iu said county, tnree surcessive weeks prevlous to said day of hearing. J. WJLLARD UALIliJTT. [A true copy.] Judg-e of Probate William G. Öoty. Probate Keeister. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN the conditions of the payments of a certaln mortgage made by James E. Bach and Blaneh E, Bach, his wife, to John Alien, dated the 9th day of March, 1893, and recorded in the Kegister's ofrice of Washtenaw County, i n Liber 84 of Mortgages on page óu'7, on thelird day of January, 1S94, at ö o'clock p. m., on whicli mortg-age tbere is claimed'to be due at the date of this notice one thousand, one hundred and six dollars and eighty cents. iH,li6.80) and no snit at Iaw or in equity havinir been instituted to collect the amount due oii said movtgage or any part thereof. Now, tliereiore, by ylrtue of the power of sale oontained in ,.said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice ts hereby given that on Monday, the I4th day of September, 1896, at che east front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Mieb., (thax beiug the building where the Urcuit Court for said County is held,) there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder the premises described in said mortgage or 80 much thereof as may be necessary to aatlsfy the amcunt due on said mortgage and the legal eosts of this foreclosure. The premises so to be sold are described as follows: Lots number Wand ïü iu Miiler's addition to the City of Am Arbor, Michigan. Dated June löth, 1896. JOHN ALLEN. Tho.mpson & Hariuman, Mortgagee. Attorneys for mortgage. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, DEFAULT HA3 BEEN MADE I iu the conditions of two ertain mortgages, made by Joseph B. Steera of the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Lew S. Anderson of Plttsfield, Washtenaw County. Michigan, bcaring date March 12th, 1881, eich seeui'ing the payuientof thesum of TwoT.iousaiul Dollars with interest, (the same beingapart of the purchase mouey lor the prmises thereln and herelnafter deseribedj.wbic'isald ! mortgages were recorded iu the Hegis'.er's office for Washtenaw County on tne lth ay of April, 1881, at VA o'cloek p. m., In Liber 55 of Mortgages, on pages 08 and 69, both of saj mortgages being long past due, and whereaá by reason of said default, there is elaimed to bé due apon one of said mortgages the sum of Two Thousand Dollars and interest from March 12th, 1896, and npon the other the sum of Two Thousand Dollars and interest from March l-th, 189Ö, each at seven percent- and no suit at law or in equity ba ving been irwtituted to recover the amount due on said nioïtgages or auy part thereof. Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale in said inoitgages'contained and of the Statutes of the State of Michigan, notice ihereby given that the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on Monday, the 28th day of September, at 11 o'elock a. m., standard time, at the east front door of the Court House iu the City of Ann Arbor, Ithat being the building where the circuit court for said county is beid-, the premises described in said mortgages or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the iudebtedaess secured by said mortgages and the legal oosts of this foreclosure, The premises to be sold are described as follows: That certain piece or parcel of land sitúate in the township of Pittsfield, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Beginulngon thequarter line running east and west on section four of said township at a point near the center of the south Ypsilantl road, south 64 degrees west 39!4 links from a hickory tree six lnches in diameter and south 43 degrees west 52 links from a yellow oak tree eight inches 111 diameter; thence uorth-westerly along the center of said road 13 chalus and 28 links; thenee north 29 degrees. west aloug the center of said road 1 chaiu and 88 links; thence nortli 6354 degrees east chains and 32 links; thenee north 22W degrees west 1 chain and 55 links; thence north 72 degrees east 16 chaius and 40 links; thence soutn 2'i degrees east 6 chains on the section line between sections threc and four; theuce north 8TK2 degrees east 19 chains and 90 links; thence south on the line between the east and the west half of the north-west quarterof section three in township and range aforesaid löchKinsaudOSliuks to the quarter line of said section three; thence west on said quarter line 33 chains and 51 links to the center of said Ypsilanti road on the east and west quarter Unes of section four in said townsbip to the place of beginninur, rontaining 84 acres and ü-100 of au acre, more or [ess. Dated J une 29th, lf9. LEWIS S. ANDERSON, Thompson & HArriman, Morta,'ee. Attorneys for Mortagee.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News